

Trooper continues to growl, shifting his head warily as Dalton lowers himself to a knee.

"Trooper, come on," Wyatt begs.

Staring at Dalton for several tense moments, the massive dog finally stops showing his teeth, even though the low rumblings still come from his throat. Eventually, he takes a couple more cautious steps forward, sniffing the air until his nose is almost touching the outstretched hand. Giving one last short woof as if to say "I got my eye on you," Trooper turns around and trots back over to Wyatt, looking up at him to signal that he was now ready to go outside.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Wyatt grumbles as he latches the leash onto Troopers collar. "You stupid..." Looking up at Dalton, he apologizes. "Sorry about that. This is Jason's mutt. Well...I guess technically it's TJY's, but Jason is the only one Trooper ever listens to."

As if to prove the point, Trooper tugs on the leash, making Wyatt stumble. "Somehow I got cursed with being the first one called when Jason is out of town, to take care of this dang brute. We get along as long as it's Trooper's idea." Wyatt shakes his head. "If Jason is gone for a length of time, we seem to work most of our differences out, but the first few miles are torture."

He yanks on the leash again, trying to get Trooper to sit down. "Anyway...you should be alright now that he's seen you."

"Mmm..." Carson grins. "I'd love to have the first meal in your new place with you. I doubt it would take too much convincing to get Herb to let me off early even though I was late this morning. Just swing by here later and if I can, I'll go back with you." He gives Jess a sly look. "Unless you're planning on making me walk."

Bret's eyes shine as he returns Charlotte's kiss, wrapping his arms around her. "I think it was worth it too." His voice grows quiet. "And it's only just begun."

Just looking at his bride for several minutes, he finally lets her go. "Alright then. Let's hit the road. I vote we grab lunch on the way back... then we split up at my place so you can go get at least a few things to survive a night or two until you can move, while I make sure no one's been stupid enough to do anything to the house while I've been gone, and..."

Slinging his bag over his shoulder, Bret stops, rolling his eyes. "And after that it's a coin toss when to pay your sister a visit." He grins. "Tonight may or may not be a good night to die."

Jason stares out the window of the plane, watching the clouds go by. He owed Con a thanks for this one... the trip had changed everything... and the future was looking just a little bit brighter now.

He turns his head to look at Katie, just letting his eyes rest on her face. Thanks for everything, Hero...

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