
Pumpkin Pie

*Looking at Wyatt for a long moment Dalton just studys his as his brain moves a million miles a minute trying to process and read him. What was his motive for going out to dinner or was it just his own mind that kept playing games and reading into things to much.*

"Ya I think I can manage to find some time to do dinner. Though I am not much of a people person."

*Dalton stands and makes his way to the door towering over Wyatt. Ducking to exit He turns back around.*

"If you need anything I'll be back I just saw there was beef jerky in the vending mashean and Mountain dew. I better get some to help me think than I can start."

*Turning Dalton heads to the breakroom.*

*Just looking at Carson for a long moment Herb says nothing. You could lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink. The more you try and force them the more they wont. The same was with Carson. Herb could push all he wanted but that wouldnt make Carson tell what he was doing. Eventuly it would just drive him away. Finally giving a nod Herb talks.*

"Ok, I believe you. If you need to talk about anything, anything at all. I'm here for you Carson."

*Leaning over a little bit Herb looks down at the paper where Carson was writing.*

"Yeah everyone loved the chicken parm. Since you came they say the sause tasts even better. I dont know if you add some extra stuff to it, or if its just a knack you have but you do good. Oh, and Mable said we had to add pumpkin pie to the list or she will have our heads."

*Herb can't help a small cheese grin that pass his face as he leans a little closer to Carson.*

"Personaly I'm not scaired of her."

*As if hearing everything Mable pokes her head into the kitchen.*


*Herbs eyes go wide as he gives a little jump not exspecting Mable to be right there.*

"Yes dear?"

*Mable can't help the smile as the sounds of Aerith and Jess giggles come from the other room both peeking there heads over the counter window.*

"First, Did you tell Carson to put pumpkin pie on the menu?"

*Herb looks to Carson and shakes his head a little and than looks back to Mable.*

"Yes dear."

*Mable smiles.*

"Good, and Second, Carson Jess is here to see you."

*Mable stratens and turns around leaving the kitchen.*

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