
First Meal

* Dalton fidgets with the mashean. He is suddenly put on alart as he hears Wyatt's voice in a state of frustration and even a little bit of panic. As His back is still turn to the door he suddenly can hear the growls. Slowly turning around Dalton eyes the large dog for a moment.

Seeing Wyatt come up to the dog and not obayng his orders one could observe this was not his dog. But still the dog meant business and would protect those in the building.

Moving slowly Dalton lowers to one knee and bends over just slightly so that he he is about eye level with the dog. For a moment he looks Trooper in the eyes trys to prove he was not a threat. Not moving to fast as to startle the dog Dalton holds out his hand as an offer for the dog to sniff his hand.*

"I was told to look out for the watch dog. You must be him huh?"

*Dalton stays still with his hand out to Trooper but still keeps his gurad up just in case the dog still did not like him.*

*Jess receives the kiss from Carson with a smile on her face. Over the last few days they had spent a decint amount of time together like normal and when Jess was not at work, or with Carson she was busy packing. Now finally the day had come and she would move.

Pulling away from Carson Jess can't help but smile even more. Life seemed good and was slowly getting better. Is was nice to have things go in the right direction for once.*

"Well, I didn't know if you could get off work early tonight and help me move into my new place. If not its not big deal I just could use the help and I wanted you to have the first meal there with me."

*Putting her bag on the ground for a moment Charlotte comes up behind Bret and wraps her amrs around his wast. It hadn't been to long yet but so far she was loved being Ms. Charlotte Parker. It gave her an unending happyness she had never felt before. Continuing to hold Bret Charlotte gives a small chuckle.*

"She is going to kill us you know that? Picturing her face in my head right now is kind of funny."

*Charlotte lets go of Bret and walks around so she is standing in front of him putting her arms around his neck and pulling him a little bit closer Charlotte brings her lips to his for a moment and than once again draws away still holding on to him.*

"No matter what she says it was worth it and I know I made the right desition."

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