

*As Jamie trys to hold Con's arms down from flying about she also trys to whipe the blood from the back of his hand.*

"Mmmm...well...his pulce is racing you can see by the way he is breathing...*more noises can be heard in the background.*...Con....He keeps trying to push me away and wont let me help him. I dont think he relizes its me.....uh huh....ya he keeps grabing at the side of his head like he is in pain.....he looks like he hurts so bad."

*Jamie cant help it anymore as her tears break free as see Con in so much pain. Breathing in deep she trys to stay clam.*

"What happing to him Rick. This isent just a cold."

*As Angel holds the phone in her office her face pales just alittle. Not Con...how could this happen. Angel dident know who Wyatt was or if she could even trust him, but the ergncy in his voice told her she could.*

"Ya I will.... Give me an hour to get some stuff together and let everyone know fast whats going on....ok...ok...Thank you Wyatt I'll be ready."

*After hanging up the phone Angel grabs her Bag and takes some stuff from the office she thinks she will need. Also grabing stuff she might not need but its better to be safe than sorry when holding someone's life in your hands. After finished in the office Angel heads into her room and grabs some clothing stuffing them into her suitcase. If she needed more than that she could buy it once in Navada. Finsihing up she shuts the lights off and makes a dash for the messhall knowing everyone will be gathering there for lunch.*

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