

*Katie smiles as she keeps her walk twords her desk. Alittle light warmed Katie's heart. It was nice to have someone around to talk to. To have a friend around to lean on. Katie hadent exspected to become such good friends with Scott. He alway kept to himself and was quiet. And when she first met him she though he was intresting . But now Katie got to know Scott even more, she got to see deep in him that there was more and he was a wonderful person. How Katie was glad she did befriend him. Katie sits to finish her work up and go home to get ready for tonight.*

*Lockheart sits and listens to Reese for a long moment. Taking a sip of her tea a wave of saprise corses over Lockheart as she hears Reese mention exsposing TJY. She new the saprise could be seen in her eyes too. Lockheart dident know TJY all that well, she hadent been there for years like the others.*

"Reese...I understand where you are coming from, and I think its amazing that you would be willing to do that to save someone. But...what will happend to TJY after and everyone that works for you. This is a big desition to make, and I think you should talk with your employees about it as well. This is there life too. I havent been around for long but I got the pleasure to meet some of them and you can tell this place means everything to them."

*Lockheart takes another sip of her tea as she thinks a bit more.*

"I want to help Jason, I really do. I dont like seeing Katie misrable, and I dont like the change I see in Jason. I often think back and as horrable as it sounds I think my brother was luck to have goten the death sentince than to have to sit in Jail like Jason is. Yes he is alive, and geting out in 4o years if we cant do anything, but is he truly alive anymore? His soul, his spirit is dieing."

*Lockheart lets out a sigh and looks down in her tea cup thinking and relizing she was off the trail alittle bit. It still hurt when she thought of Angeal how she did miss him and how it must be even harder for Katie to know the one you love is alive but you cant see them.*

"Anyways, if you end up exsposing TJY your going to need an atturny, and I dont have anything plained for now. Most the work the last few months I have been geting to my office in Cali they have been email to me, and I have had other take the cases for me. So I can keep doing that. Its working out fine for now. So...all in all I would like to represent TJY if if came down to it. It would be another long process but, I feel right now this is where I am needed most."

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