
To much to bear

*As they pull into the driveway Katie just sits for a long moment looking out the window and not replying to Con. Right now her brain couldn't break anything down. It couldn't analyze it. It couldn't try and reason. It couldn't even offer some sort of blockage to keep the pain at bay. On top of it all Katie could feel a strange pull with Jason. She new he was ok but she could feel on the inside he wasn't. Her only explanation for that was that over the last year her sense with him must have gotten stronger and now she just couldn't remember.

Still staring straight ahead Katie finally reply to Con giving a little dry laugh.*

"Everything always works out right? Never seems to take the pain away though."

*Katie's voice proves she is tired. Her mind and body has had to deal with so much so fast that most her energy is now gone. Turning to Con she trys to give her best reassuring smile.*

"I just want to go in and sleep. I'll give you a call if I need anything Big brother. Thank you for picking me up."

*Slowly Katie reaches for the door handle and opens the truck door stepping out. Slowly closing it behind her again and takes her bags in her good arm and heads ever so slowly to the front door her head drooping.

As Katie sets her bags down and unlocks the door entering the silence greets her. The only noise is the shutting door behind her. This is not the homecoming she wanted. Katie had hoped the apartment would have been filled with loved ones and friends but now, the only thing there was the darkness, the silence, and the pain.

Katie train of thought is broken as the soft meow can be herd. Looking down and seeing Henry rubbing against her leg a small smile breaks on her face. Setting her stuff down Katie bends down and gives Henry a gentle pet.*

"Hey Boy. I'm glad you greeted me."

*Grabbing her stuff again Katie makes her way to her room upstairs only to find it empty. A bit more confusion hits her. Where were her things? Surly if she wasn't staying here anymore Con wouldn't have dropped her off. Heading back down the steps Katie stands confused for a moment in the hallway. Only to see Henry disappear into the room Laura had been using as a storage room. Drawing closer and pushing the door open Katie finds all her things in order. She must had moved rooms when she first had gotten out of the horsetail and now didn't remember. Putting her stuff down she smiles at Henry again.*

"Thanks for the help Buddy."

*Closing the door Katie locks out the words and sinks down on her bed as she burys her face into her pillow and finally releases all the tears and pain that had been pent up inside. Her soft sobs grow louder for a while as the pain is just to much to bear.*

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