

Con watches Katie go into the house to make sure she gets inside okay, then slowly pulls away. Grabbing his cell phone he uses the speed dial and puts it up to his good ear. "Yeah, Jamie, it's me. I just dropped Katie off. She's not doing so great. Can I come over to your place for a while? We can eat something, then I might come back to check on her or at least have Laura make sure she's okay when she gets home."

Camryn dismounts Jason's motorcycle and takes off her helmet, running a hand through her hair.

Jason follows suit, but remains still as Camryn starts to walk away. She turns and looks at him with question. "You coming?"

Jason is quiet for a moment and just stares at the ground. His mind raced. He could feel a strange tension...he could feel the new strain on his connection with Katie and it didn't feel good. He knew she was upset, and it had to be bad for him to be able to sense it.

Camryn pauses and cocks her head to see his face. "Jase...you coming?"

He finally looks back up at her, the apology in his eyes. "I have to go see her, Cam."

Camryn's shoulders drop. She liked Katie and felt so horribly bad for her, but...did Jason really have to go? "But...what about our evening? Katie will be okay...Con will make sure of that."

"I know but...it's different...it's not something I have control over."

Camryn backtracks to stand in front of him. "I know this is hard on you guys...but please...for us...let her work through this. She's a strong person and can do this. I know this is terrible and it's tearing Katie up...I couldn't imagine being in her shoes. But...you can't always just run after her."

As her words hit Jason's ears, a strange irritation grows. He didn't expect anyone to really understand this - he had a hard enough time with it himself. But what he did expect was a little more help from Camryn.

Reaching out, he takes her by the shoulders and looks down, forcing her to look him in the eye. His voice comes out quiet but stern. "Katie doesn't know what she's capable of. If she shuts down, Cam, I could die." That truth is startling and clear. Jason searches Camryn's eyes that start to fill with tears. "I'm sorry...but I have to go."

Pulling her close for a tight embrace and a kiss, Jason lets her go and remounts his bike, throwing his helmet back on. "I'll call you later."

As the bike speeds back down the street, Camryn stands alone, watching until he's out of sight as a tear rolls down her cheek.

The house is quiet. Jason waits for several moments after he's run the doorbell, but he can hear nothing inside. All he knew was that the tension was rising, and it was getting harder for him to retain everything. He had to help Katie calm down before she hurt him or herself.

Letting himself in, he scans the apartment, and sees everything in order. He walks slowly to the hall and then can hear Katie's sobbing. His heart catches in his throat. It was a gut wrenching sound to hear Katie in that much pain.

Making his way to her room, he sees the door partially open, and glances inside before entering. He knew he didn't have to announce himself.

Henry meows at him as if asking for help and glad someone had arrived.

Jason slowly eases down on the bed next to Katie and reaches over to run a hand through her hair. His leather jacket squeaks a little bit as he shifts his weight, his keys jingling in his pocket. "Hey, Hero...shhh...take it easy. I'm right here."

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