

*Katie gives a nod to Jason receving his emotional message. She understood how he felt. She was nervouse too. She had done this before no problem, but this time with so many people being there so much more rided on not making the wrong move.

Slinnging an arm around Jason's shoulders and one around Con's she smiles as they make there way back up top.*

"We are going to be ok, everyone is going to be ok. As long as we keep our eyes sharp and stay on our toes everything is gonna be ok."

*Katie's words were strong but on the inside she was just as scaired. She old could pray God protected them and let them be ok tonight.

Once getting up top and seeing Wyatt and Nate Katie gives a wave.*

"You guys ready to rock?"

*Nate grins at Katie's enthuseasum. She always was up for a good fight even if she was scaired.

Throwing on his sunglass and his dark brown leather jacket Nate stratens.*

"Lets do this. Hotshot we are still going over everything when we get there right one last time?"

*Nate follows as the others head out the door. This was another job to him, was he nervouse maybe a little but Nate refused to let it show. Fear was a weekness and at a time like this there no room for it.*

*Misty gives a wave to Phil and the other as her and Kyle slowly start to walk to join the others. She cant help the laugh and grin that esacpe her lips at Kyle and Phil go back and forth. It was always fun watching the brother go at it. Misty cant help but laugh again as Kyle makes his way over to his keybored. Following along Misty starts to help as she looks over the music.*

*Once Jason had left the room Katie looks around at all the faces that staired back at her. Reaching into a bag she pulls out some silencers and hands them to everyone. Glancing around the room and than down at the lay out Katie starts to point.*

"Wyatt, I want you and Nate at the entrince till the consert starts. Than I want you both to fan out along the back. Con I want you on the right side of the stage keep your eyes on Jen inbetween everything asle and I will be on the left doing the same. You guys pretty much know the drill if we catch anyone. Try not to let the crowd know, call officer Brown. If you think something it to dangerouse than go with you gut."

*Charlotte glances down at her watch as she grabs her lunch bag for break. It had been a long day so far at work and she was happy to get to eat finally. Sitting down at a small picnic table Charlottle opens her bag and pulls out her food. Than pulls out her phone Charlotte dials Bret's number. That was pretty much her normal rutean when she new he would be around.*

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