
Look Out

Katie watches Carson and than turns back to Ryder again. Just listing to them both.

"But...Carson what if he IS being held aganst his will cant we at least check it out some how? We can't leave Ryder in the dust not when he has helped us this much."

Knowing her pleeding would get her no where Katie feels so helpless. She wanted to help Ryder, she new how hard it had to be, to have your own family member left alive and know there was nothing you could do.

Letting out her own sigh Katie goes over to the swing and sinks down next to Ryder on it. There really was nothing she could do.

"I'm sorry."

Staying silent for a moment Katie just lets her own thoughts run, thinking about many differnt things. Till finally she stratens and looks to Ryder keeping her voice low.

"Your brothers name was Brian right? Tell me what he look like and...I'll keep my eye out. Thats not saying I am making a promise to get him out, or put my team in danger but I'll keep it in mind and if it looks like there is a chanse that maybe he is on ourside or is there aganst his will...I wont leave him. You have my promise!"

The look in Katie's eyes shows she ment what she said and though she really wouldent put the other two in danger she was willing to at least make an effort to see if there was hope for Ryder's brother.

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