

Ryder listens to Katie, his stare a pensive one as he takes in who this woman was. At her question, he shakes his head. "I wound up with TJY because I needed help."

Sighing, his eyes drift to the darkness. He didn't normally talk about this. But it seemed easy with Katie. "My family was randomly selected by Medridge when I was just a kid. I saw my parents murdered, and I was taken in by the Agency to channel my vengeance." He glances back to the screen door. "My story is probably similar to Carson's. But I never did conform. I was trapped, forced against my will to take the wrong side. Until finally there was one mission where TJY was on to us and I ran. Reese asked me to join them and I couldn't refuse. So... here I am."

A grin surfaces again. "I give tours to city-slicker vacationers half the time, and the other half, I'm working for TJY."

Ryder looks down for a moment, his thumbnail working at a bit of dried-out paint on the swing. "When we go in to find the antidote, there's..."

His voice trails off as if he's changed his mind about what it was he was going to say. He catches Katie's eye again, watching her. "You realize you're too beautiful to risk getting hurt out here, don't you?"

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