

Ryder doesn't move when Katie touches his arm, but stays where he is, evidence of him feeling torn between two choices.

"You're not playing fair," he teases quietly. "You should know better than to look at me like that. Or didn't you know that your eyes can make a bloke's heart melt?"

He shakes his head a little, daring to reach out and touch the side of Katie's face. "You really want to help... you really do see more than others do, willing to make sacrifices, despite the risks. It's been a long time since I've seen that in someone."

Realizing he might have just overstepped his bounds, he drops his hand and backs up a step. He swallows hard, then finally shrugs, signaling his defeat. "It's my brother. He's in there at the Agency base. It's been five years. I got out, he didn't. All I want is one chance to get him out... one chance to save him from the Agency's torture. Two months ago I got word he was still there and still alive. But my hands have been tied."

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