

Mick is thrown off balance as BJ grabs his leg and he starts to stagger. Sparky steps close, only because BJ is there, and tries to steady him, but Mick gives him a hefty shove. "I told you to leave," Mick growls. He looks down at BJ, then up at Rosetta on the porch, his vision skewed. "What is he d'ng outta bed? It's late, you should allll be'n bed! Or didja wanna come see the fool come home, zthat it?"

He jerks his leg a little, trying to get BJ off. "Rosetta! Put 'em to bed," he barks. "'r d'ntcha know how?"

Sparky frowns, hardly able to believe Mick was doing this. He glances to Rosetta. "He was at the bar. I only happened to see his truck so I knew he was there. He'd been there for several hours."

"Shut up!" Mick hurls a curse at his brother before swinging his gaze back to his wife. "Get th's boy in bed b'for I do it mys'f."

Ryder, burn down the house?

Jason grins.

He's in enough trouble with Reese the way it is. Got caught on the news wrestling a cro-

He cringes and misses catching his tennis ball as it ricochets back to him.

What the... you alright? What's wrong?

Jade feels an odd churn in her stomach at Dan and Katie both get up to see what's going on. For some reason, she didn't want to. She looks to Jeff, who is clueless but without wanting to spend his energy on getting up and going to the window.

Finally she puts her cards down and gets up slowly, joining Dan at the open door. She folds her arms against the chilly night air and squints to see Sparky's truck and the others gathered around as Mick shouts. She feels like throwing up.

"He's drunk." Her voice is laced with disbelief, disappointment, anger and embarrassment. "I don't believe it." Tears well up in her eyes as she hears the swearing uttered in Sparky's direction and she backs away so she can't see the scene anymore, turning away from the others. That was her father out there... drunk... She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her right now.

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