
Right hook

Mick's eyes narrow at Rosetta's suggestion that he sleep in the bunkhouse. He takes a step towards her and BJ, but Sparky blocks him.

Sparky nods to Rosetta to keep on going before looking back to Mick. He wipes his lip again before pointing to the bunkhouse. "Come on. You're not going in here tonight."

"Th's is my house!" Mick barks. "You c'nttell me t' stay out. I told ya to leave an'wy."

Sparky has had enough, and he grabs Micks shoulder, giving him a quick shove. "Git!" he growls.

Mick stumbles, falling onto all fours on the gravel driveway.

Sparky sees Dan and gives a nod of thanks. "Help me get him to the bunkhouse will you?" With the young man's help, Sparky is able to get Mick back up and drag him most of the way to the bunkhouse. By the time they get there though, Mick is about ready to pass out, making the job easier.

Ten minutes later, Mick is on the bed, barely conscious. Sparky doesn't bother to takes his boots off or undress him. "He can lay just like that for all I care," he grumbles to Dan. "Let's leave him be. He'll be out cold for hours and I don't want to be around when he wakes up."

Getting back outside and heading towards the dining hall, he wipes his lip again, seeing that the bleeding wasn't slowing. "Dang it, Mick," he mutters under his breath. "He always did have a mean right hook."

Yipes... sounds like fun.

Jason sighs and rolls over onto his side.

I'm gonna try to sleep. Tell me about it tomorrow... be safe.

Jade sinks down in a chair by the fireplace. Not much of a fire was left, but she didn't care. She'd been staying at the house... but she was so embarrassed by her father, that she didn't even want to see Rosetta right now. She just wanted to find a corner to curl up and cry. But all there was here was an easy chair. It would have to do.

She pulls her knees up close and curls up in the chair, just letting the silent tears fall.

Jeff watches her for a moment and sighs. There wasn't anything he could do. This whole thing was confusing and it made him sad, thinking of how Rosetta must feel right now. He slowly picks up the playing cards. The game was obviously done for the night.

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