
Kick In

Feeling Mike jerk is leg back only makes BJ cling tighter thinking he was playing around the smile on his face big and bright.

"Nooo...its not bed time yet we still have to play checkers you promised."

BJ looks up at Mick with his big toothy grin. But finally relizing that Mick was not playing around BJ was confused by his tone that he'd never heard Mick use before and it scared him. Finally letting go of his leg BJ takes a few steps back looking up at Mick as tears started to form in his eyes, his face showing how scaired, upset and confused he was to what was going on.

Hearing the words Mick spoke really did no damage to Rosetta. She was a adult and could handle it knowing it was the alcohol talking and not her husband, but the moment he snapped about BJ, and cursed infront of him Rosetta changed her stance, and felt sorry for Mick for a different reason now. Trying to keep her own temper at bay for BJ's sake.

Stepping off the pourch Rosetta scoops BJ up in her arms and gives him a big hug rubbing his back gentily as the small boy sobbed into her shoulder.

"Its ok Buddy, I'll go inside and play checkers with you ok? Maybe we can even eat some popcorn huh?"

Throwing a look at Mick Rosetta shakes her head the look on her own face showing she wasnt happy and was disapointed in Mick for his actions.

"Sparky this is your home to, you will be staying. Please take Mick to the empty bunkhouse for the night. I'd rather not have him around BJ when he is like this."

Not saying anything more was very hard as on the inside Rosetta's heart broke. She wanted to yell at Mick, and ask what was wrong with him and what was he thinking but if she did that or even trying to talk to him while he was still drunk they would get no where and it would only make things worse. For now, this was better.

Walking with BJ back in the house Rosetta whispers a thank you to Sparky as she pass. She would be awake for a while now having had all this happen as she sat and thought. Once inside Rosetta closed the door behind her not saying anything more as she put BJ down so he could set up the game, while she made some popcorn and hot coco.

Continuing to looks out the window Katie shakes her head and frowns hearing Jade's words. She new Mick had, had a drinking problem a while ago but he had been sober for so long now it was a shame he had runed that tonight.

Receving Jason's message Katie had completely forgot that she had sent her startling emotions his way.

Yeah, I am sorry. Its a long story, I dont even know all of it. I guess Dylan Mick's son has been missing and no one would tell him whats going on and now Sparky found him in town drunk. Its just...not very pretty right now. I guess the bodyguard in me kicked in.

Continuing to watch out the door and hearing Jade's words Dan turns his head to see her. The last person he though he would see drunk out of been Mick. Seeing the look in Jade's eyes Dan cant help the fist that clenches his chest. He had see that look before, that hurt so long ago, and memories start to flood Dan's mind for a long moment before he tryed to refocus again.

Reaching out to Jade, Dan puts one hand on each of her shoulders and cocks his head to look her in the eye. His own look convaying how sorry he was, for her father, and maybe something inside of him was pleading for his own forgiveness to a woman he'd never see again.

"You wait here with the other ok? I am going to see if Sparky need any help. Its going to be ok. I'll be right back."

Giving half a smile Dan turns from Jade again and heads out the door and across the lawn giving a small nod to Sparky.

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