
Now what?

Wyatt and Reese avoid talk of TJY or the court hearing tomorrow, and mostly remember times past, bringing up fishing trips with Wyatt had been a kid, and family picnics. They talked of going to this same river as a threesome, the tone growing just a little melancholy when mentioning Wyatt's mother. Overall, the atmosphere is kept light, and Wyatt tries to involve Aerith as much as he can, even though he knows she probably feels just a little strange.

Finally arriving to the river, it's just a bit of a walk down a narrow lane until they reach their destination. As they walk, Reese carries the tackle box and backpack with food. "Yeah, this is a nice little spot down here, and as far as I know, not too many people have discovered it." He chuckles. "Which is just the way we like it."

Heading off the path and through some light bramble, suddenly they're in a clearing. The river is calm and sparkling here, so clear one could see the bottom. Large rocks lined the shore, and an almost beach-like clearing was down the way with a picnic-perfect spot on the sand and pebbles.

Wyatt glances over to Aerith as they stop and scan the scenery. "So...what do you think?"

Jade greets Katie with enthusiasm. "Oh, I know, you wouldn't believe how many times I told myself, 'I've got to write Katie today!' then by the time I went to bed, I'd forgotten all over again." She rolls her eyes. "But I'm thrilled you're here - I had no idea everyone would be here today."

Introduced to Scott, she gives him a smile. "Hey."

Scott offers his free hand. "Nice to meet ya."

"Likewise." Jade's eyes drift back to Katie's as they twinkle with delight, showing that she liked Scott and was happy for her friend. "Okay, well, I'm gonna go eat with my family, but I know we'll catch up later!"

Turning around, Jade heads back to the table with her dad.

Scott keeps Katie's hand in his and gives it a little shake. "Alright, Hero, who are we daring to sit with this morning?" Though nervous, he was willing to go wherever she wanted.

Before a place can be chosen though, Jeff waves to them from his table where he sits with Sparky, Luke and Angel. "Hey, you two! Get over here and set your bottoms down!"

Scott glances to Katie. "I guess that's where we sit," he relents with humor.

Jade slides back into her seat next to Mick and across from Jason, starting in on her food and striking up a conversation with her dad again until he's busy talking with Rosetta.
The noise in the mess hall, and everyone chatting amongst themselves creates an atmosphere for anyone to talk about anything and still remain fairly private.

Jade finally asks Jason what she really wants to know. "So...how have you really been, Jason?"

He takes a bite of toast and shrugs. "Oh...I'm here...I'm alive...and that's what I gotta be thankful for at the moment I think."

"I knew you'd been in prison for a while."


"So..." Jade hesitates. It was none of her business. But she and Jason had been close...she could talk to him. "What happened with you and Katie?"

Jason forces a dry laugh. "You would ask that, wouldn't you?" He shrugs again. "I don't know. Me, I guess. I just wasn't...what she needed or deserved."

Jade's eyes fill with sympathy. "Are you really as over it as you imply?"

Jason looks down at his orange juice. "I'm getting there," he states matter-of-factly, before taking a swig. "What can you do? Move on. She's happy."

"I can see that." Jade smiles a little, allowing a pause. "I think about us everyone in a while, you know..."

Jason's eyes drift back up to hers. "And what do you think?"

"Oh I don't know...I guess maybe I figured out that perhaps I'd been in a little too much of a hurry to find love...I didn't stop and think before I dove in...and I guess sometimes I wish I wouldn't have taken that chance and spared you any pain."

The corner of Jason's mouth upturns. "You think too much." He knew he hadn't been thinking a whole lot back then either...Jade had been a good friend and he'd been attracted to her, but he hadn't really been as serious as he would have needed to be, had there been any chance for them at all. "You and I both know it never would have worked, but we enjoyed it while it lasted."

"I know." Jade sighs. "But that doesn't keep me from reflecting on it."

"I suppose not." Jason searches her eyes. "Have you found mister right yet?"

Jade laughs. "No, but I'm still waiting."

"Still bent on a homebody?"

Jade reaches out to slap his hand. "I never said I wanted a homebody. I just wanted someone who I didn't have to worry about day in and day out."

Jason grins. "Mark my words, you're going to end up with some dude in law enforcement just for spite."

Jade giggles. "Probably."

As Jason looks at Jade, he feels a strange bit of peace being around her. There was no tension, despite their past. They both had truly moved on, and neither were looking for anything, other than a simple friendship with the other. The excitement and what they might have called love had faded into a sweet memory, but did not torment their hearts now. Jason longed for the day he could look at Katie like this.

Ty refuses to look up at Wendy. She seemed nice...he wasn't put off by her presence or threatened by her intrusion. "Oh sure, I'm okay," he fibs. He finally glances upward to see her face. "I should be happy, right? Coming here and having my family history revealed to me? Who would have thought? Other than Mick, who got me here under false pretense."

He glances down again, still desperately trying to process everything, while still fighting the tears that wanted to come. He didn't even know why he felt like crying. He was just...mad and confused.

"I guess now everyone will know." He swallows hard, staring at the floor where he still sat. "Apparently I'm the long lost son who was explained away as dead." His eyes shift up to Wendy's again. "I was just informed that I'm your boyfriend's brother."

As breakfast begins to end, people start filing out of the mess hall, dispersing to either get necessary work done, or do things together. Jade has found someone to talk to, and Jason glances around the room, finding no comfortable scenario to insert himself into. Remembering Wes' discussion about the motorcycle, Jason slips quietly out the back door and heads to the shop. Letting himself in, he spots the motorcycle and wanders over to it, eying it skeptically. He squats down next to it, running his fingers over the engine and studying the parts.

Mick helps Rosetta clear away some of the dishes, meeting her alone in the kitchen. "Hey...if we can get someone to watch BJ, maybe you and I can take a short jaunt with the horses up the lane or something."

With the bustle of movement and people, it becomes just a little chaotic for a few minutes before everyone had scattered. Scott finds himself a little bit lost again and gradually shifts away from the groups until he's back by one of the windows. Picking up the small bag he'd brought with him, he draws out his camera. Aiming it subtly, hardly anyone notices as he clicks away some pictures, zooming in on faces, capturing the laughter in their eyes. Memories were precious, and he had a plan for these.

Carson grins and lets go of Misty's hand to sling his arm around her shoulder. "Who said it was a date? All I remember mentioning is breakfast."

He gives her a sly sidelong glance and leans down to give her a quick kiss as they walk. Straightening up, he realizes someone on the other side of the street was looking at them.

Forcing a serious expression, he shakes his finger at Misty. "Behave yourself, will you?"

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