

*Misty offers Carson a smile.*

"Well thank you for watching over me Carson. It means alot to know you cared."

*Misty pulls her blankets back and swings her legs over the edge of the bed streching.*

"I probley should do that same. At least make myself look presentable. I'm sure I have alot of explaining to do to you and Rick about what I have been working on, and what aprears to be the cure. I'll be seeing you soon than. "

*Misty slowly stands and goes to the drinking fountain to grab a drink than slowly makes her way to her bag. Her bare feet soflty scuffing across the floor. As Misty dug through her bag for a few things she stops for a moment and thinks. Carson had spent the night watching over her, making sure she was ok. He's helped give her a shoot and cool her down from her high feaver. Maybe Carson had found his place after all..*

*Jamie gives Con a squeeze and sits up.*

"Well I think I am gonna get up take a shower, pack the car and than I think I want to go out and do something with you. I'm not sure but I want it to end with having lunch. Your going to feel smothered I tell ya before I go. But I think you can deal with it. I need to make up for all the time I am gonna be without you. Than I guess I will be on my way."

*As the day pass Jamie and Con spend much time together, going to the tiny fair at the part, looking around in differnt stores. Jamie and Con even find themself in a small photo booth geting there picture taken. One photo strip for each of them. Finally the hours pass all to fast and its time for lunch. Jamie and Con find themself in someplace differnt for lunch. Jamie had already said he goodbyes to her family and dident want to have to feel the tears again. So insted they find themselfs in a differnt small cafe right around the courner from Jamie's apt.*

"I've had a great morning and afternoon with you Con like always. Thank you for making the day special for me."

*Jamie watches Con from across the table, her eyes meeting his. Every moment spent with Con was pressuse to Jamie. Even the simplist of things mattered and braught a smile to her face.*

*As Lockheart shut her hotal room door and opens the letter her eyes become wide. How could the Judge move the date up even more. Lockheart dident even again understand who this was possable. There was no time to wait She could work on her statment/speach tonight than run is by Jason in a few days. Right now she needed to see Jason and go over what he would plee in court. Than she needed to call Reese and let him know what was going on as well. Shuting her laptop Lockheart grabs her brefcase and starts her long drive to the state prison.

After parking the car Lockheart makes her way to the front gate flasking the guard her papers shower her who she was she heads inside. Geting to the front desk she askes about Jason and is escorted to a room and told to wait here while they went and fetches him. Siting down at the table Lockheart pops open her brefcase and goes through some papers waiting for Jason to arrive.*

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