

*Misty smiles now shower and dressed she felt like a human being. Walking back over to the bed Misty hopes up on the edge.*

"Morning. I'm not a doctor yet just an assistent. So I guess you would be right to call me patient, And I am doinh ok. I feel like I have been hit by a truck a few times over though. My body still feels week but I guess that is to be exspected. It will wair away in time."

*So many thought ran through Misty's mind. There was so much she wanted to tell Rick. So much she needed to explain and she wasent even sure where to start. Misty sits trying to collect her thought at she stairs at nothing inpaticulare.*

*Jamie smiles back at Con.*

"I'll try not to work to hard and how could I ever forget to call you."

*Jamie stands as her an Con exit. The ride home is quiet as Jamie thinks about her trip. Everyonce and a while just watching Con as he drived. Finally geting home Jamie heads inside with Con to do some last minute stuff around the house. Her pulse started to race as the time to leave drew closes. She wouldent addmit it but she was so scaired. Glancing at the clock Jamie lets out a sigh it s 2pm and time to go. Jamie throws her arms around Con giving him a big hug and a long kiss. Drawing away Jamie looks deep into Con's eyes looking for her own reasureance, along with showing him some.*

"I'll be back in no time. Make sure you feed Ed for me, and get the mail, and...."

*Jamie laughs at herself as she relizes how redickulace she sounded.*

"Why am I telling you all this you already know. I guess I am just trying to stall."

*Jamie brings her hand to Con's face for a moment.*

"I love you Con. I'll call in a few hours to let you know how the drive is going. See ya again in no time."

*Jamie walks off the pourch and to her car geting in and starting it up. As she pulls out of the driveway Jamie sticks her arm out the window and waves at Con starting her long trip to Texas to fofill her commetment.*

*Lockheart eyes Jason. There was something differnt about him. Prison could change any man into someone completely differnt and it was doing just that to Jason.*

"They may not think they are going to let me win Jason. But I, we will. I'm geting you out of here if its the last time I do."

*Lockheart lets out a long sigh.*

"What happend to your eye Jason?"

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