
Ice Cream/Fire Works

The laughter joy and fun continues. Everyone having a great time. Than shairing in a tender moment of two people confessing there love it warms the heart. Something people wouldent want to miss.

*Katie gives a nod and smile to Jason. She was happy Jen had found the happyness she longed for and who better than with Mike. It was a perfect match. Turning to Scott Katie gives him a hug.*

"How about some ice cream? I'm starting to look like a prune."

*Misty slowly swims over to the ledge. She dident feel much like ice cream but being close to him she did. Climbing up and out of the pool she goes over next to him and sits down. Leaning her head on his shoulder. She was starting to feel a bit tired but she dident want to addmit it, this was one of those nights she dident want to end.*

"I had a really nice time. Thanks for decieding to come along with me Carson."

*Jamie gets out of the pool and wraps a towel around herself. Giving her head a small shake. Steping off the steps she gives Con an elbow.*

"I'm glad we ended up coming. This has been alot of fun. Even if I did dive bomb you with water balloons."

*Jamie wraps her arms around Con's neck and leans in for a long kiss. The ice cream could wait.*

More people exit the pool and make there way to the tables once again for ice cream and fireworks. That chatter growing, the kids laughing, everyone siting with someone and talking about something. Couple snuggled together, arms wrapped around eachother jokes, laughter though alittle calmer the fun continued.

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