
When everything seems right

*Katie sits in her room laying in bed for a long while listing to Jason play and sing. How she loved his voice and how he played. Soon Katie drifted off to bed a new smile on her face.*

*Back at smile Katie smiles and wave as Jason heads for his office over hearing that Wyatt wasent well. Heading to her desk Katie see the piles of work waiting for her. Digging in she starts to type away. Hours pass and its time for lunch. Leaning back in her chair Katie thinks of Wyatt once again. Katie needed to talk to Wyatt about some stuff Maybe if she braught him some lunch they could talk. Katie needed to get it off her chest before it kileld her. Standing Katies goes to Jason's office to let him know she was gonna be out for an hour or two and she could be back soon. Grabing the can of soup she had taken with her for Lunch Katie heads to her car and is off.*

*As Katie pulls out of the TJY parking lot a dark figure pulls behind her watching, waiting for the right moment.*

*As Katie drives her mind continues to reel once again. She had never had to talk about something like this with a guy. She dident even know where to start. Wyatt had been there for her for a while. He was Such a good guy he deserved to know the truth. Just how was Katie to tell him. Deciding at the last min Katie turns down a differnt road that lease off into the desert. Katie passes a sigh reading "Now Leaving Navada." She needed to clear her mind and figure out what to say to Wyatt before she went to him place.*

*The dark figure inside the car follow Katie laughs.* "Perfect no one will even know out here."

*As Katie continues to drive she loses all consintration not relizing someone was following her. Soon a car speady by her and swervs in front of her. Katie snaps back into relization as she see the car.* "Strange why would someone be out here." *Suddanly the car in front of Katie slams on its breaks. In an instinct Katies reflexs kick in as she herself slams on the breaks. Once again the car pulls along side of her.* " What on earth." *The car swerves into her sending her off the road slightly. Regaing controll Katie looks in her review mirror to see another car behind her. She was traped her only option was to go faster and try to out run them. Katie steps on the gas. She seems to be out running them when the car once again pulls next to her.* "Crap." *Katie heart races what was she to do now. Witchout warning a shot ring out through the air shatter Katie's car winshield and sending a shart pain into her shoulder. Katie lets out a scream but trying to stay focused. The car from behind catches up and rams the car, as the one from the side sends Katie sailing odd the road again. Once again trying to regain controll of the car Katie swerves though the desert sand. One of the tires on the car pop as Katies car starts to roll ove and over and over again finally coming to a halt as it hits a tree and bursts into flames.*

*Satisfied with there work the 2 cars drive off into the distince. One dialing a number into his cell phone and waiting.*

*Wes calls to make resavations for Cindy and himself it was going to be a night to remember. He was geting nervouse and excited at the same time. Wes cell phone rings.* "Hello?"

*A gruff voice answers on the other end.* " It is done Sir."

*Wes nods though the caller cant see him.* "Exilent." *Wes makes his way to the shop as his plane in now in motion. He had a couple hours to work before he had to get ready.*

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