
Hours seem like Days!

*Katie smiles at Con.*

"Your welcome. Your my Big Brother I cant just leave ya."

*Katie sits with Con for a long while.not saying much but just being there for him. So much was changing in Con's life right now and Katie new it. He's almost lost something he held so close to him, and he world was still changing*

"Your not a bad person Con and God still loves you along with the rest of us too. Maybe what you need is just some time off. Get away clear your head. No matter what you do remember I'll saport you, and I am sure Laura and Jamie will too. You really do have so many people who care."

*Silence falls over the small church as no more words are said, but the presence of another person was enough to help chase away the hard times for now.*

*Nate leads the way back out of the woods, throws glances over his shoulder every once and a while to make sure everyting is ok still. Once geting back to the cars Nate stops Jason and Carson going to Con's car Nate find a black tie and takes it out bring it over to Carson and tieing it around his eyes.*

"At least if you are lieing to us I can do this so you dont see how to get to our headquorters."

*Nate nods at Jason to start going again. Soon they are on the road, Wyatt, Jason, and Carson ahead while Nate was in back to keep an eye on things.*

*Hours seem like days as there is no word of how Jamie is doing. Finally a doctor exits the OR and makes his way over to Hal, Con and Katie (who were back now.) sticking out his hand for a strong shake introducing himself.*

"I'm Dr. Leroy Tailbit. Whatever happend to you friend she got messed up pritty bad. A nice gash on her face, witching i assume you noticed. It goes from the courner of her mouth up across her cheek."

*Dr.Tailbit makes a motion with his hand to show where the cut was.*

"It was a pritty deep wound I was saprised to see that the 2 peaces of skin were still connected. Anyhow it took 14 stiches but I got it together and cleaned out. The only repracution from that will be a nastly scar but everything will be normal. Jamie had many other cuts and burses on her face, arms and legs. A few of them needed sitches but not alot more. They should heal up nicly leaving only tiny scars if any at all. She got a pritty nice size bruise to her back but no damage done there all in all her body is gonna be pritty sore. She was VERY malnurished when she got here. We put her on some IV's to get nutrition into her body so she can start eating some solid food. Though for a little bit cuz of the cut on her face I only want her to eat applesause, jello stuff she dosent really have to chew. We also did a blood transfustion. Your friend lost alot of blood. Your lucky you guys got her here when you did. If it had been a few more house she probley would of died. She will be good to go home in a few days. We just want to make sure she get food in her system and starts to heal ok."

*Dr. Tailbit stops for a moment as if collecting his thoughts. He folds his arms and looks between Katie, Con and Hal.*

"You guys can go in and see her but please try not to make to much noise. She needs her rest not to mention after what she has been through she might be alittle jumpy. First I need an answer to a question I need it for a report. That girl laying in there came in her almost dead, it looks as though someone was torchuring her. I need to know what happend. "

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