
Never Uncomfortable

Alice gives a smile and a small nod. Sometimes she hated finding the deeper meaning of words, and sometimes she hated how it causes a small fear into the fearless. It was not a feeling she liked since so long ago it was so strong.

"I guess if we are talking about sand, than yes the best place for it is on the beach."

Looking up again Alice regains her smile as she gives Kyle a soft shove and gets the happy moon back.

"But, if we are talking about best friends they belong everywhere because its never uncomfortable to have them around."

Standing Alice gives herself a quick brush off before looking to the sky again to watch the last of the fireworks go off. Giving a content sigh Alice throws her arm around Kyle's shoulder and pulls his twords the Jeep once more.

"I guess we should get back before they really do think we ran away huh? Thanks Kyle for spending this time with me. It ment more than u will ever know."

Sapphire gives her brother a stern look. She didnt like that he though this way and whoever had scaired him so much. She wanted him to believe her she only wish he would.

"No, one life dosnt make up for many. This was wrong no matter the reason."

Figuring it was best for now to stray off the subject Sapphire's expression changed to a more soft one, with a smile that spread across her lips as a small laugh came from her lips.

"Hey ten minutes is ten minutes you know."

Looking up at the clock after waking Phinox takes note that there is only a half hour left till his meeting. He needed finishing getting ready now so he could leave in fifteen.

Phinox couldnt help the feeling in the pit of his stomach. Rod was good, and if Phinox made one wrong it would be game over. He had one shot and couldnt mess it up.

Standing and checking his gun alone with a few other personaly belonging he new that he might be asked for Phinox makes his way to the infermary. Entering he gives a quick glance around the room taking not to who was in there before making his way over to Rick and leabing on his desk a little.

"Hey Rick, I was wondering if you could saply me with two saringes of seditive. Once I get Gage alone it will be alot easyer if I knock him out and will take up less time. If you cant I understand and can do with out it will just be alot harder."

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