

Standing in the breakroom Janet hums a soft to herself as she warms up the food. Stoping for a moment thinking her hurd something Janet strains her ears. Most of the time she could pick up the smallest of noises. She had trained her ears to listen closely to all nosies so if she was ever watching Maggie and not in the same room she would know something was wrong. Listing closly she ears pick up the faint call of her name but there was a certin ergancy behind it.

Leaving the breakroom Janet makes her way back to the infermary quickly. Opening the door and seeing Rick and Scott on the ground she hurrys over to them

"What happend?"

Taking one of Scott's arms and putting it over her shoulder Janet trys to even out the deadweaght from Scott so they could lift him and get him back into the bed. A fear searges through her as she see the small cut on Scott's wrist.

Looking up at Rick the fear and pain is evadent in her eyes.

"Oh Rick...."

Continuing to stay next to Scott Janet gives the opertunity for Rick to clean Scott up.

Entering the house Angelica gives a little bit of a laugh. She wasnt even sure why she was here herself. Somehow she'd just found her way to the door. Maybe it was her worry that told her to come here, or the need for wanting to make her friend feel good she wasnt sure what one.

"I guess I just thought maybe you could use some company."

Giving a small smile Angelica makes the rest of the way inside laying her jacket over a chair that was in the hall way. Following Mike to the kitchen Angelica just takes in the new sights. Its not long when the coffee is ready and she is once again following him into the cozy kitchen. The talk of work was light and for once Angelica didnt mind it to much. Simply thinking about not having Mike art work was a sad thought.

Looking over the pictures Angelica enjoyed taking in the sights and hearing about each one. Learning a little bit more about Mike and his life even if it was a life of the past it was still what formed him into what he was now. Coming across a picture of Wyatt, Mike and a younger woman Angelica can only guess its his wife. Running a finger over the face for a moment she feels a tiny bit of her own sadness. What had she missed in life, having a family, her own kids...it was something that never even crossed her mind anymore. It was a dream long forgotten and now not dwelled on for to long because it was to late for her. But for some reason seeing that picture agian seemed to bring back feelings that Angelica herself wasnt even sure why but the sence of longing and the look of something missed lingered. Trying to shake the emotion Angelica smiles looking at Mike.

"She was very pretty Mike."

Moving on to some of the other picture Angelica continues to listen as Mike explains them. Taking a sip of her own Coffee she just thinks for a moment before saying anything. She was never good with stuff like this. She could hardly give her ownself addvice let lone her own. But if she spoke from the heart where could you go wrong.

"Its only the people who have lost sit of themself that think we arnt worth anything anymore. There is always someone who needs us out there still. Sometimes the world can seem dark, but there is always one person out there who wants us still. I'm gonna miss having you at TJY. Your probley one of the biggest reason's I moved and decied to work there."

Taking another sip of her coffee Angelica looks back to the photos feeling the color coming to her cheeks just a little. She hadnt ment that quite the way it came out, but it did and she couldnt keep it back. Maybe she said a little more that was on her heart than she wanted to. But there was something alse she wanted to ask to. Was not the time or should she wait.

Continplating for a moment Angelica argues with her ownself on asking or not. Was it over steping bounds to even ask or not. The question hung in the air. Finally giving in she figures now would be the best as any time.

"Mike, I was wondering I'm going to be leaving for Cali in a few days. I have some cases out there that need my attachen. There is also a business partyvI need to attend for one of my cliants. I'll probley be gone for a week or two and well I was wondering if many you would like to come along with me. It would be nice to have someone to acompany me to the party not to mention I would like to introduce you to the rest of my family, and show you around."

Looking down at her coffee cup for a moment the silence linger and it makes Angelica panic for a moment continuing on.

"If you dont want to come its ok I wont be offended or anything. I mean the party will probley be boring and well Cali is pretty busy compaired to this...but...well..ya its ok if you dont wanna go."

For some reason Angelica felt like she was 17 again in high school asking someone to a dance. How silly she felt to be making a big deal out of this. It really wasnt that major.

Giving a nod to Axel Jess promise not to let anyone alse know. Seeing Axel got into his apartment on Jess gives a small wave and pulls away. The night events and that chat with Axel having relaxed her a bit. As Jess continues to drive her eyes grow heavy as Jess knows the exsaustion was setting in.

Finally come down her own street Jess pulls into the parking lot and shut off her car. Just sitting there for a moment, feeling tired but not really wanting to go inside she knows she has to. Exiting the car and making her way inside Jess dosnt even bother to change as she lays down on the bed and pass out.

Awake in her own room Katie's mind trys to relax. The last few days had been hard full of events that made the body and mind tired. Reacing under her bed Katie pulls out her photo book. Opening it and fliping through the pages She remember her Aunts wedding and how pretty it was. Coming acorss the picture of herself and Scott a feeling of sadness comes over her. Not for what was lost but for who was lost. How Katie hoped Scott would find himself again. He'd ment so much to her.

Continuing to flip through the pages Kaite's eyes scan the pictures of the ranch. Felling an emotion from Jason one that he felt as though he missed something Katie could only image.

I miss home somtimes too J.

Continuing to look through the pictures Katie lets out a small sigh. How life could take so many twists and turns, never seeming to give a break. One could only hope a turn in the tide would come, and soon the hard times would lesson. If only for a few moments, at least there would be a break in the tide.

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