
Wont back down!

*Katie sits and stairs at Scott for a long moment. Leting his words sink in. The meaning to them hit Katie hard. For the first time she saw herself through Scott eyes. She saw what he saw in her.

Shaking her head she gives a laugh bumping her elbow into him playfuly and standing.*

"Well I am glad you think so. At least someone does."

*Keeping the grin on her face Katie heads into the kitchen to get both of them more coffee.*

*Wes' heart goes out to his wife. He dident try to addmit it for her sake but he was worryed too. He loved his life right now, and dident want anything to change. He new though he had to stay strong, he had to help Cindy stay strong too. Combing a hand though her hair Wes continues to keep a strong arm around her giving her the shelter she needed.*

"Its going to be ok. Your not going to lose me. I promise you that. I dont give up that easly."

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