

Scott stays quiet for a moment as Katie reminds him that they’re all important to TJY, though his lack of confidence in that area shows in his eyes.

At her question, he doesn’t miss a beat, still working as he answers. “That’s easy. You’re a twelve.”

He pauses as he types in some codes and brings up a grid on his screen. “First comes the number one. You’re the top of your class. You come before tens and thousands because of your skills. Without you, numbers can’t grow, so you’re an extremely important figure. Adding you to zeros multiplies the force by hundreds.”

Pausing again, Scott moves to switch out a wire from the television set, then focuses back on his computer. “And….the number two is there because you’re humble and willing to take second place, even though you could be first any time you want. The one and two together as a twelve makes you divisible, proving that there’s more to you than meets the eye.”

Cindy leans back against Wes, nestling her head in his chest, silent tears flowing from her eyes. She knew God was with them…she knew He was in control…it was just still so hard…so very hard.

“I don’t want to lose you,” she whimpers quietly. She’d never felt as weak and vulnerable as she did now. She’d been so strong all her life, but finding Wes had turned her whole world upside down, and she wasn’t ready to give it up.

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