
The Call

*Wes wraps her arm around his wife alittle bit tighter. His emotions showing as he kiss her forhead.

Jamie cant help but laugh at the display Con and Jeff put on together. Laughter rings out*

"Con your gonna kill the poor guy."

*Laughing more as they continue Jamie just shakes her head.

Siting down next to Scott Katie gives alittle smile.*

"Sorry I dident stick around for dinner, I just...I dont know. Sorry."

*Katie leans into Scott as Jason sings the words hiting her heart, and everyone around her. As Jason stops singing Katie sits up and gives a small clap. The words were meaning ful. Katie eyes light up for a moment as she remembers she wanted to do something earlyer but forgot. Leaning over to Scott Katie lets him know she will be right back. Katie makes her away from the bonfire disapreaing into the dark. Once out of earshot of the others Katie pulls out her number and waits.*

"HI Dad! I know its late sorry. I just wanted to call and tell you I loved you and sorry I havent called sooner...there is just a court hearing tomarrow and I just wanted to make sure you new. ok Dad. I'll talk to you again soon."

*Katie makes her way back to the group siting down next t Scott again and listing to the rest of bullfrog.*

The Night drages on as everyone had a blast. BJ lay asleep in Rosetta's lap and Maggie was almost asleep on Nate. Soon the fire starts to go out.

Leaning over Rosetta gives Mick a kiss telling him goodnight as she gently lifts BJ and heads inside.

Wes and Cindy decied to call it a night as well, Nate and Maggie following along again after saying good night to Laura.

The rest of the gang slowly starts to disperse as well going there own sepret ways for the night. Know tomarrow had to come sooner or later.*

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