
Confused hearts

Greg smiles at Rosetta. “I’m doing pretty well. Better than most my age I’d wager.” He chuckles. “I’ve been ‘retired’ for the last ten years, but I’ve found I’m even busier now…not that I mind. Retirement is for the old and worn out…and I’m far from worn out. I’m glad to be back in this grand adventure, no matter what my nephew might say.”

As Katie leaves the table. Jason couldn’t feel lower. He’d known coming over here had been a mistake.

Scott watches her leave, worried about her…concerned at the abruptness…upset at Jason’s intrusion. But he dares not throw the glare he wants to. Jason may have said it was over, but Scott still knew the law of physics, and Jason was taller and stronger no matter what, and Scott needed to keep his mouth shut to stay out of trouble.

Jason waits a moment, then turns without saying another word to Scott. He aims for an empty corner table, sinking into a chair without getting anything to eat. He should have known better.

Scott looks down at his plate of food and shoves it away, his appetite lost. He wanted to go after Katie, but he held himself back. He knew he was making it none too easy for her…not when Jason was around. Maybe he shouldn’t have come after all. His presence just seemed to be making things worse, even if they had had a great afternoon. Once the dust settled, emotions were still high, and the tension was still there.

Con catches Jamie’s eye after he sees what’s happening, and he gives a little shake to his head, signaling that he didn’t know what had happened, but the tension witnessed wasn’t all that surprising.

Cindy glances up from her food seeing her son enter the mess hall, then a few minute later witnessing Jason trudge to a corner by himself to sit alone away from the others. Pain flickers in her eyes. She’d thought about going home for the evening meal as normal and inviting Jason over, but she’d thought it would be nice tonight to spend time with everyone, and she’d thought Jason would be responding to those around him. Apparently she’d been wrong.

She looks across the table to Wes, looking for reassurance.

The hand that is gently laid on Katie’s shoulder is unmistakable by its size and warmth. Con stands behind her, the concern etched in his face. “Hey, little sister…what’s the matter, hun?”

Wyatt smiles and squeezes some ointment into his hand. Touching Aerith’s shoulders, he’s as gentle as he can be, softly rubbing the soothing ointment onto her burned skin. “Thanks for coming along with us today, Aerith…I really enjoyed myself…and I could tell that Dad did too.”

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