
Getting ready

Cindy takes Wes' hand and nods, forcing a smile to the surface. "I am now." She'd asked if they could drive this morning since she didn't feel up to the walk, and the trip to the messhall is quick. Arriving, it's obvious that the others are up and awake, also meeting together before the Nevada gang left.

As people walk by, heading to the mess hall, Becky leans her head back to look up at Jim's face. "You better pack, hun. They'll be leaving right after breakfast."

"I know." Jim tightens his hug around his wife. "Packing a shirt isn't hard. Leaving you is."

Mick steps inside, glancing around the large room until he finds Rosetta. Pasting on a smile, he walks up to her from behind and slings his arms around her, giving her kiss on the head. "Mornin', my love." Turning her around, he looks in her eyes, giving her cheek a soft stroke with the back of his hand. "Come here."

Seeing that BJ was occupied and well taken care of by Con, Mick takes Rosetta to the side, away from the chatter. "I'm staying here," he informs her quietly. "They want someone from the ranch there, but Jim volunteered to take my place." The look that passes through Mick's eyes, show how glad he is that he can stay, and how grateful he is for his brother's sacrifice. "He'll be there for all of us, and he'll get to spend the flight back with Ty too."

Scott throws the rest of his things in his bag and zips it shut, taking a last glance around the room. His hair still wet from his shower, he combs it back quick and throws on his glasses. His eyes were hurting enough the way it was without forcing contacts into them.

Walking carefully down the path, he takes more time than he wanted. He wouldn't admit it to many, but he could barely move his legs today, they were so sore.

Finally arriving at the mess hall, he sets his bag down and scans the room for Pete. It was rare that Pete joined everyone for meals, but today he'd come up to see the group off again and to get instructions from Scott.

Finding him, Scott takes him to the side and starts explaining the equipment to him and what he'd done earlier. It doesn't take long, and soon Scott is sitting at one of the tables by himself and looking around for Katie. She was the one person that made him feel less like a fish out of water around here.

Jason gives a weary sigh and makes his way to where he knew everyone would be. Glancing around, he sees his mom isn't there yet, and makes a mental note to be sure to see her before they leave. Halfway to the mess hall, he stops for a moment, seeing Katie is coming as well. His thumbs hooked in his jeans pockets, he cocks his head, giving a slight grin. No matter his awkwardness, and no matter if Katie had Scott or not, she needed encouragement as much as anybody else did on a day like today. "Mornin'."

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