

Carson ambles to his room to gather some clean clothes as he waits for the bathroom. Tilting his head, he can hear Misty singing, and a trace of a grin creeps onto his face.

Going into the hall, he waits so when Misty emerges, he's leaned up against the wall across from the door, his arms folded over his chest. "Ahh...now I know why you women take so long in the bathroom. You spend all your time singing."

Wyatt nods in agreement to taking Aerith directly to work. "Alright. Then if you still want to come this afternoon, I'll swing by and pick you up."

Listening to her wishing she did have somewhere else to go, Wyatt lowers his eyes to his breakfast plate. The offer he wanted to give just wouldn't be appropriate and he knew it.

Reese glances over to his son, knowing what was going through his mind, and sympathizing with him. Aerith was a nice girl, and Wyatt had told him about her troubles with another guy. Reese felt badly as well, knowing it would probably be best for her to find somewhere else to stay, at least while Frankie was around. "I wonder if somebody like Jamie would like a roommate," he ponders aloud.

Wyatt quirks an eyebrow. He'd thought of Laura and Katie, but they didn't have a whole lot more room. He could always ask Jamie...or even Misty...that is...if everything went well today. "We're going to find you another place," he states flatly. "Whether it's with someone we know, or we find a hotel. I don't want you staying at your grandmother's if Frankie is still on the loose." Wyatt still remembered the look in the other man's eye, and it was not something he cared to see again. "If we can't find something by tonight, we'll figure something temporary out."

Jason gives a dry smile in response to the thought of sitting with the others. He wasn't so sure he could help carry on much of a conversation here either, but right about now, probably the wisest thing to do would be relent. Scott was obviously making an effort to smooth things over, and Katie desperately wanted the tension gone. Sitting with them for a little while really was the least Jason could do.

Finally giving in, Jason sets himself down across from Katie.

Scott returns Katie's hand squeeze, starting to feel better about Jason. He was confident of the way Katie felt about him, so there was no need to feel threatened by Jason's presence.

Con laughs at BJ and shakes his head. "Just you wait...in a few years you're gonna find a girl to kiss too." Looking back at Jamie, he gives her a little wink before drawing her in for a tight hug. He was worried about today...but he wasn't going to let it show.

Mick grins at Rosetta. "What? Are you implying that I'm put off by kissing?" he teases. "Last I looked, that certainly wasn't the case." To prove it, he leans in and plants a kiss on her lips. Still grinning, he cocks his head. "Mm...yeah, that wasn't too bad at all."

As breakfast proceeds, the conversations that filter through the room are filled with laughter, despite the dark cloud that loomed over their day. Their very livelihoods hung in the balance, but no one wanted to bring it up, for fear of becoming even more worried than they already were.

The clock ticks away the minutes, and though the time to leave for the Nevada group drew near, the pace was slow as they wished to prolong their stay. But no man can slow the hands of time.

"Since we've got everyone together..." Sparky stands up, speaking loudly to get everyone's attention. "I know that only some of you are heading back to Nevada...but what happens today will affect all of us. Everything we know and love is at stake, whether we like it or not. And...right now, if we all could stand up and join hands, I'd like to have a prayer circle. We may not be able to control what goes on today, but the best thing we can do is talk to the One who IS in control."

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