
Power of Praying

*Misty slaps Carson's arm at his comment before walking past him. A smile on her lips.*

"Well if you think you can do it faster than get in there. I'll be keeping track of how long it takes you."

*Misty throws her dirty cloths into her backpack and plops down on the coutch to wait for Carson glancing at the clock every once and a while.*

*Aerith smiles and nods thankful for Wyatt and Reese offers and there understandment on the situation. It made Aerith feel good, and safe to have people looking out for her. *

"Ok, just let me know. I've met Jamie before but not Misty. Thats your cousand you were talking about? I think I would feel more comfortable with Jamie though just cuz I have met her before. If she has room for me that is. and yes I still would like to come this afternoon if thats ok still as well."

*Aerith offers a small smile as she finishs up her breakfest*

*Katie continues to chat with Scott and Jason trying to keep the conversation light. Katie can apreshate that both the boys are trying to make it easy on her and at least it was a start.

Jamie looks to Con and smiles.*

"Lets hope its more than a few years. But if the boy turns out anything like his Uncles Rosetta is gonna have to beat the girls away with a stick."

* Jamie turns to Con giving him another kiss.*

"However your still better looking."

*Rosetta smiles as she returns Mick's kiss.*

"Good as long as you dont tire of them I wont."

*As Sparky speaks the room stands. Pushing the tables and chairs out of the way hands are joined as the heavy heads become one. Lifting this burden and pain up to God. Eyes are closed and for a long while its silent everyone saying there own person prayer. Finally Rosetta is the first to speak.*

"Dear heavenly father, we life our hearts up to you. At this time our loved ones will be leaving to head to the court, and try to win this for us. With you by there side I know its going to be ok. You will let happen what you see fit. We only pray that you will help Lockheart Be strong. Give her the words to speak, and give the judge the ears to hear and do whats right. In Jesus name."

*Rosetta draws silent and Katie is the next to speak.*

"Dear Lord, I know I am still new at this all but I also know you love me just as much as you do everyone alse in this room. Whatever happens today its in your hands. I just ask you calm our hearts and let us see this is your will."

*Rosetta looks to her neace fast and smiles. How far she had come in the last year. Rosetta was happy to see her grow. Closing her eyes again Rosetta wait to listen to the rest of the prayers. Still lifting up her own silent prayers still.*

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