

Carson smirks at Misty and gets into the bathroom quickly, the sound of the shower coming on almost immediately. In less than ten minutes, he's back out again, tossing his dirty clothes into his bedroom. Heading to the living room, his bare feet scuff on the floor and he plops down at the other end of the couch from Misty, leaning over to put on his socks. "So you ready to go or what? What's taking you so long?"

Wyatt smiles and nods. "Alright. If everything goes well today, we can talk with Jamie about it and see what she says."

Finishing up breakfast, all too soon, the three are out the door and on their way downtown. It doesn't take them long before Wyatt pulls up to the curb in front of the restaurant. "If anything happens...if Frankie shows up....just be sure to let Herb know - he'll scare the living daylights out of Frankie."

Ignoring the fact that his father is in the back, Wyatt leans over and gives Aerith's cheek a kiss. "I'll be back at twelve-thirty to pick you up."

The power of the prayers can be felt in the room by those who believe in them. God was at work here. That much was clear. No matter the outcome..He was in control and it was obvious.

Clint holds hands with Wendy on one side, and his father on the other. He listens to the prayers, intrigued by the faith he heard. He'd been joining everyone for church for months now, but still hadn't really decided that God was something he needed. But today...in this place...something stirred in his heart. He remembers for a brief moment when he'd seen Mick baptized, and witnessed the change in his life. That had been real. This here...these people's hearts, and their faith...it was real. And for once...Clint felt timid. There was an unexplainable presence here, and it was bigger than he.

Jason's hands are locked with his mother's, and with his grandfather's. The prayers going on around him were not foreign... he was around prayer all the time. JetStream always had a prayer before a performance, and Jason had learned that the other guys felt it was important, so he simply respected their beliefs. His mother had always prayed...and so he'd always just remained quiet, letting her do her thing.

Was something different today? It felt...odd. Like there was something, or someone in the room that could not be seen or touched. There was a presence...and it made a chill run down Jason's spine. But he keeps his eyes lowered to the floor, unable to help but wonder how long they would remain in prayer. He was glad to see others here had faith in something, but as far as he was concerned, it wasn't worth the time.

A silent tear trickles down the side of Cindy's face as her grip tightens around Wes' hand. She could feel her son in her other hand, but it lacked the warmth of a believer. She knew that Jason believed there was a God, but had never acknowledged him as Lord. She knew that he'd heard the stories of Jesus, but had never accepted Him as his Savior. And right now...today...on a day when no one knew what was going to happen, Cindy felt that burden. She wouldn't know how to bear it, if Jason were to be put back in prison, or even put to death without having known Christ.

As the audible prayers continue, her own continues in her head, not only for today...but for her son as well.

"Father..." Sparky's words rise, his spiritual leadership here evident. "You're here...and we know it. For when two or three are gathered in Your name, there You will be also. And we can't thank You enough for that promise. We feel lost...but we know we're not alone, and that's what brings us comfort." He pauses, the emotions rigid in his voice. "Today is as big day...no matter the outcome, the fight is far from over as we continue to battle our earthly enemies. But if it is within Your will, we pray for success...for with that success comes glory to Your name, and the chance for us to continue this fight, and be witnesses for You."

Silence reigns for several minutes until others pray aloud, the emotions hanging thick in the air. And finally Con closes.

"You've heard our cries, Lord. You've heard our pleas. And we know that You care. What more can be said? Guide us. Comfort us. Show us Your will. Above all things, we love You. And it's in Your Son's precious name we pray...amen." Letting go of Jamie's hand, he draws her into a hug.

Jason can feel an extra squeeze from his mother's hand, but then is left alone, surrounded by everyone, almost all of them, having been touched or moved in some way. What was it? Why was it? He didn't understand it.

Cindy leans into Wes' arm, her sadness still there, but her worry beginning to diminish.

As people begin to interact again, Austin hates his job. "I'm sorry guys," he speaks a little loudly. "But the plane is waiting."

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