

*Misty takes a sidelong glance at Carson a smerk on her face a teasing in her tone.*

"Mmm...could it be the hole in my stomach thats slowing me down alittle bit? Its probley a good thing to or I would of tackles the crap out of your right now."

*Slowly Misty stands and goes to the front door puting her shoes on a grabing her purse and stands at the door taping her foot.*

"And who is waiting for who? I seem to be ready and you have yet to get your shoes on."

*Aerith smiles as they pull up to the restront thankful to pass the time with work to keep her mind occupied.*

"I am sure he will. If I dident know Herb was such a big teddy bear he would scair the crap out of me. Just how he scans the people that come into the restront that he dosent know."

*Smile as she receves Wyatt's kiss she gives his hand one last squeeze.*

"It was nice meeting you Reese. Thank again for shairing your time with me yesterday. I'll see you both around twelve."

*Aerith gets out of the car and heads to the restront giving one last wave before heading inside ready to start the day.*

*Wes stands his Wife hand in his felling it tighten and knowing the weaght on her shoulders. Cindy and Wes had become one and now that pain she bore so did he that was one of the means of shairing there bond of man and wife. Wes own hand tightens alittle trying to show his wife unspoken comfort. A amen sliping from his lips here and there as the praying continues. Finally when it ends Wes wraps his arms around Cindy just holding her till finally they make there way to the door to see everyone off.

Katie first gives Scott a hug. Though he was going with her she still felt far away, than she moves seeing Jason standing alone. Today no one should be alone, or feel along. Giving alittle nod to Scott trying to relay that she makes her way over to Jason. Looking him in the eyes her friendship shows through.*

"May I?"

*Katie holds out her arms and leans in to give Jason a hug not leting it linger to long. Drawing away than Rosetta makes her way to Mick and Rosetta giving them both big bear hugs. A tear in her eyes.*

"I'll see you guys again soon."

*Drawing away Katie resumes her spot with Scott puting her hand in his and making her way out the door.

Jamie holds Con for a long while just leting the quiet of the room sarround them. Finally breaking free Jamie Says her goodbyes to everyone alse and heads out.

One by one not wanting to but knowing they had to everyone makes there way out the door and to the Van. Continueing to say there goodbyes, and leting there tears show no matter how strong they are. Nate slings his arm around Laura and Maggies shoulders leading them to the van and geting in.*

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