
New feelings...new surprises

Wyatt just studies Aerith for a moment, an amused curl to his lips as he sees her blush. “Good. Then we’ll stop by your grandmother’s so you can change clothes, then we’ll pick up my dad – I’ll need to let Trooper out for a minute too, then we’ll head to the shop for your license and food, and we’ll be off…”

He takes another bit of eggs. “…After we finish breakfast, so take your time.”

Scott’s eyes widen slightly at Katie’s reaction to his hesitance, and opens his mouth, but he’s not even sure what to say. As he sees tears hit Katie’s eyes, he realizes the extent of damage he had unintentionally caused.

Standing almost stunned as Katie leaves, he just stands for a moment.

“Oh, that was smooth,” Pete comments dryly.

Scott throws him a withering look. But instead of arguing, he follows Katie’s route out the door. His nervousness was silly and destructive. “Katie…wait.”

Jogging to catch up to her, he skids in front to stop her. Laying his hands on his shoulders, he looks at her with apology. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize just how important this visit was to you.” Maybe more accurately, he didn’t realize how important his own presence with her here was.

He searches her eyes, his own fear showing, despite his decision. “I got a problem…it isn’t at all that I don’t want to come with you…I don’t know when I could ever not want to spend time with you… I just…I get scared of crowds and strangers.”

Scott swallows hard, not liking to admit what has affected his life since he was a kid. “But I don’t want it to affect us. So…just let me clean up my mess in there and I’ll come with you…because I really do want to…I just need you to stick close.”

His eyes beg Katie to understand and not be upset with him for him balking at going with her. “I’ll be your hero…but even a hero has an Achilles heel.”

Mick returns Rosetta’s hug, holding her close. “Mm, of course I’m hungry for your cooking.” He leans down to give her a light kiss. “Later on, let’s go out for a while, just you and me…maybe go for a ride.”

He chuckles as she tries to get Jamie to relax.

Con smirks at Rosetta. “What are you laughing at?” He nods to Jamie. “The only way I can get her to stop helping is if I sit on her, and she’s complained that I’m too heavy, so I guess you’re on your own."

Mick chuckles at everyone' antics. Movement catches his eye and he looks towards the door. But seeing who enters comes as a surprise.

Jade opens the door and steps inside, just a bit hesitantly. It was busier here than she'd thought it would be. Scanning the face, she spots Mick and a smile breaks through. She makes her way quickly to him. "Dad!"

Mick would never be able to express how good that one word sounded. Turning to her, he holds his arms open for a big hug. "Jade...what on earth are you doing here?"

Jade withdraws and shrugs. "Oh, a little bird told me about some troubles that everyone here might be facing, and I didn't want to pass up another chance to see you..." Her eyes drift to Rosetta. "Or my step-mom to be."

Mick grins. He still didn't like Jade being anywhere near danger, but having her here did his heart good. "Well I'm glad you came. Katie's around here somewhere."

Jade's eyes light up. "Really? Oh good!"

"How did you get here anyway?"


"That would take a while. You didn't know about everybody being here?"

Jade shakes her head. "I guess it was just good timing."

Cindy thinks for a moment. “I think walking sounds lovely this morning, and I feel up to it.” She nods. “Just give me a minute to clean up and get some socks and shoes on.”

In no time, the small group is outside and heading down the narrow dirt road to the ranch. They chat for a while about light subjects, though Jason remains fairly quiet, just trying to figure out where he belongs.

Cindy walks hand-in-hand with Wes, but still sensing Jason’s resistance to conversation, she gives her husband’s hand a squeeze, then hangs back, joining her son. She slows her pace so she and Jason wind up just a short distance behind the others.

“How are you doing, Jason?”

Jason’s mouth upturns just a little. “You need to ask?”

His mother looks up at him as they walk slowly. “No…I can see you’re physically well, but your mind seems awfully far away.” She pauses, thinking. “I’ve missed hearing from you…”

“I know…” Jason gives a little weary sigh. It wasn’t like he hadn’t felt guilty about that already. “I just…I don’t know…”

“What’s wrong? What’s troubling you so much?”

“Time in prison isn’t enough?”

“No…the time itself isn’t…what happened to you, Jason?”

Jason stuffs his hands into his jeans pockets. “I don’t know…I guess I just…got sucked into a dark pit I couldn’t pull myself out of.”

“And now?”

“I don’t know.”

Cindy is quiet for several minutes, just hearing the conversation up ahead between Wes and Nate. “I was sorry you had to miss the wedding.”

“Yeah. Me too.”

“What do you think of Wes?”

“He’s a good guy.” Jason nods. “Looks like he’s taking good care of you. Is he?”

Cindy can’t help her smile. “Yes…he is.” She pauses. “I hope the two of you can get to know each other better.”

Jason thinks for a moment. “I’m too old to call him Daddy, he’s too much a stranger for me to call him Dad…but I won’t avoid getting to know him.”

Cindy knows Jason is doing the best he can at this point, and is satisfied. “So what do you think of having a brother or sister?”

Jason glances down to his mom, the awkwardness getting just a little bit worse. “I…well…”

Cindy chuckles. “We were surprised too.”

Almost a laugh slips from Jason. “Sorry…I don’t want to seem like I don’t care.”

“You don’t.” Cindy slips her arm through his. “I know this isn’t easy for you. Is there anything I can do to make it better?”

Jason shakes his head. “Naw…it’s me. I guess I just don’t know exactly where I fit in my family anymore… I know you still love me and all, and I’ll always be your son, I just…” He shrugs. He doesn’t even know what he’s trying to say.

Cindy gives his arm a squeeze before letting it go. “I know. Whether it helps or not, Wes is very much happy to have you with us as a part of this family, and our home is your home whenever you need it to be. You won’t be excluded just because we’ll have a little one around, and…I would at least half expect you to come by and visit a little more to see your sibling.”

It was an idea totally foreign to Jason. He’d grown up and only child…had never really had a father figure to speak of…now he was nearing twenty-two and suddenly his mom was married, and he was going to be a big brother. It didn’t seem like it should be strange…but it sure felt that way. “I’ll try,” is all he can say.

Cindy keeps her smile, even though a part of her heart is so sad for her son. She wanted to see him happy again…she wanted to see that spark back in his eye. But it had grown dim…she could see the change in him…she could sense the darkness that had overcome him. His words were the same…he spoke the truth…but underneath was a misery only he knew. She hoped that maybe today at some point Wes and Jason would get a little time alone…maybe that would help with at least the present awkwardness.

Out back behind the barn, suddenly raised voices can be heard. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go…this wasn’t how they wanted it to go. But it had…and the damage was done.

Ty stalks up past the barn again, hot and loathed tears stinging his eyes. They were tears of anger, tears of confusion. He had no where to go…no where to run, no where to hide. He’d been pressured into coming here, under a secret no on had even implied. Mick hadn’t even had the decency to tell him what was really going on.

Reentering the bunkhouse that was now empty, he slams the door and slides to the floor, pulling his knees up to his chest. He was stuck here until tomorrow.

Another figure storms in he opposite direction across a vacant pasture. Clint’s hands are balled into tight fists as confusion rages inside of him. He’d been lied to…misled. Angry at his father, he kicks a fence post out of frustration. He couldn’t believe that Ty was his brother…his brother that supposedly had died as a baby…that guy back there was his brother! And his own father had deceived him.

Jim sinks down behind the barn, surrounded by lush grass. But the beauty of the morning had vanished from his sight. He’d tried so hard…he’d tried to break the news gently. He had wanted so badly to wrap his arms around his lost son, but Ty would have nothing to do with him. Becky would be coming…what was he supposed to tell her? That he’d ruined their one chance to get to know their son? That he’d messed everything up by the words he had chosen? That now, not only was one son upset with them, but both?

Carson’s palm bangs against Misty’s window. “Hey, you gonna sleep all day?!” he calls loudly. His own mood wasn’t quite as good as he portrayed, and in all reality he was still feeling pretty low for his actions two days prior. But he was trying his best to move on…with each passing day, he could strive to move on past the tragedy of Ashlyn, and move on past the guilt he held about Misty getting hurt.

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