

Jason smirks. “Yeah, she chose me alright.” In all reality, he loved dogs so he loved Domino’s attention, but it did feel a little strange to be playing with Scott’s dog.

Wyatt gets up from the couch. “Alrighty, then. Chips and dip it is. And yes, you can help. Come on.”

Leading the way to the kitchen, Wyatt points to the bag of chips. “There’s that, and…let me grab the dip.” He opens the refrigerator door. Shoving a few things aside, he suddenly lets out a groan. “I forgot about this pasta salad…it looks like a science experiment gone wrong.” Tossing it into the trash, he glances to Aerith. “You didn’t see that.”

Finally finding the dip, he finds a few bowls, then grabs some cans of pop too before heading back into the living room. Flopping back down on the couch, he scans his rack of movies. “We got action…comedy…romance, though that’s Jason’s least favorite.”

Jason throws him a look. He knew Wyatt wasn’t aiming his comment at Jason’s personal life, but really that they weren’t Jason’s most liked genre. “Just let Aerith pick whatever she wants to watch. I’ll probably fall asleep anyway.”

“Party pooper.”

“Hey, where’s my bag?

“Scott, think fast!” A backpack flies through the air.

“Anybody seen my purse?”

“How long until we’re at the ranch?”

The group from Nevada is wide awake as they pile into the van that Mick volunteers to drive to the ranch. Chatting the whole way, the mood is kept light and alert, despite the hour.

It feels like forever, but the ranch sign finally comes into view. Mick is glad to see the lights on in the mess hall. He knew Rosetta would be up, but had a suspicion that everybody else would be up too.

“Alright, everybody out!”

Con is one of the first out, and makes sure he’s got Jamie with him before heading up the porch and to the door. Knocking loudly, he throws open the door, knowing good and well that everybody is up and waiting. “Hey, look alive!”

Heads snap to attention from the tables and body’s rise. “Con! Jamie!”

The rest of the group filters in one after the other. Ty sticks fairly close to Mick, unsure about all of this, and scanning the strange faces in the room.

Scott hangs back out of the way, his pulse quickening just a bit as he steps into the room full of people he didn’t know.

Mick’s eyes drift over the faces until he lands on Rosetta’s. His eyes lock with hers, a small smile spreading.

Jim sits in the corner of the mess hall, having remained seated. As he catches sight of Ty, his breath catches in his throat. There was no doubt in his mind.

Clint mingles with the others, greeting Con and Katie. Out of the corner of his eye he catches sight of a younger man, and his attention is immediately drawn to him. He seemed…familiar…kind of.

Cindy gives Con a big hug, along with Katie and Jamie. As she realizes her son is not in the group, disappointment flickers in her eyes, but she keeps the smile on her face. She'd stayed up late and come from home to greet everyone no matter who it was, and that's what she was doing.

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