

Concern grows in Jason as he deciphers the message of emotions.

You're right, that doesn't sound good. Why don't I come by... I don't know what I can do, but at least you won't be there alone.

Jason sets his guitar to the side and stands up, startling Trooper who jumps up and looks around, wondering what he's missed.

"Sorry, bub. I gotta go. You stay here and watch the place."

Jason grabs his denim jacket and slips on his tennis shoes, picking up his truck keys on the way out the door.

Scott remains in a tight ball, but lets Katie hold him, finally resting his head on her shoulder. He trembles, unable to control the fear that was still running through him. "No... it was..."

He stops, remembering the orders. He might be unable to think straight, and he might be a mess, but he still knew his place. "I can't... they told me...." He swallows hard, still shaking. "It wasn't a dream. But I can't..."

He pulls away from Katie to bury his face in his legs again. He wanted so bad for this to be over. He wanted so bad to be able to control this... to ignore the pain... to be tough. But it just hurt so bad.

Jason parks outside TJY, and spies an unfamiliar vehicle in the parking lot. That was interesting. Then all of a sudden he remembers. Austin was supposed to get into town tonight. But surely he wouldn't have come straight to TJY... would he?

Jason shakes his head and gets out of his truck. Who cared... he didn't.

Making his way inside, he heads down the hall, ignoring that there were lights on down by Reese's office. Getting to the infirmary, he slips inside, seeing Katie next to Scott who was huddled on the bed.

"Hey guys," he greets quietly. "How's things?"

Scott makes no move to look up, and just pulls himself in tighter. That voice was too close to the other one for comfort.

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