

*Katie continues to rub Scott's back as he talks. Just taking in what he was saying the way he was acting when Jason talked. The look in his eyes when he looked at her sent her heart screaming again as her own eyes filled with emotions, the lack of understanding.

I don't understand J, what would Austin have been doing here after hours? Let alone asking questions from Scott.*

"So...Austin wanted to know what happend to you Scott?"

*Though emotions started to form inside Katie she tryed to hide them the best she could. The last thing she wanted to do was upset Scott more. Keeping her tone level and soft she continues to talk to Scott.*

"Did you tell them you couldnt remember? Than they let you come back here? Did Austin say at all why he was here asking you these questions this late at all?"

*Katie's hand continues to run Scott's back. She new he was scaried, and he wasnt sure what to say. As Scott looks at her again with his own questions in his eyes Katie nods her head at him slightly.*

"It's ok Scott, we are just here helping."

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