

Jason allows Katie to help him to his office, not in he mood to create any more of a scene and too tired to care. Sinking down in his office chair, he leans forward on his desk, hiding his face in his arms. "Good ol' Hotshot," he mumbles. "Has to have a babysitter...can't function...can't take care of himself...can't do his job...why do I even try."

Laura heads back to her cubicle, stopping by Wyatt's desk on the way. "You're probably waiting for Katie. She'll be right out. Jason just passed out and we had him in to see Rick."

Wyatt raises his eyebrows. "Is he alright?"

"He will be, if he starts taking care of himself, the idiot." Laura rolls his eyes. "I care too much about him - he's got me worried. But if Rick can get him to straighten up, he'll be fine."

Wyatt watches Laura leave, and lets out a slow sigh. Jason. Again.

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