
Too young

Laura can sense the seriousness in Katie’s tone, and pulls out a chair across from her. Listening, her eyes get wide with surprise. “Wow, Katie. That’s…a lot to think about.”

She leans back in her chair, giving a little shake to her head. “No wonder you haven’t gotten much sleep – I wouldn’t have either.”

Laura thinks for a few moments, mulling over what Katie had said. “I had heard something about some openings in Arizona, but I never thought Scott would take it. He’s always been quite the homebody. Of course…” She gets a little smile on her face. “He hasn’t exactly been the same old Scott since you got a hold on him.”

Taking a sip of her coffee, she sighs deeply. “I wish I could give you some great advice…” She thinks about if Nate were to ask her the same thing. Would she go? “But I just don’t know what to say. I know it boils down to what’s most important to you… You have an awful lot here, Katie, an awful lot. But, if you love Scott enough, does what is here really matter? And then…do you love him that much?”

She purses her lips in thought. “Do you think God is leading you one way or the other? Has he shown you the path He wants you to take? I know it’s hard, but sometimes where He leads might not be the obvious choice…I have found that out. Where does your heart truly lie? With Scott alone? Or with everything you’ve gained here? Where are the most opportunities for you to serve? In Arizona? Or here in Nevada? And wherever your heart is, is that really where God wants you?”

Laura offers Katie an encouraging smile. “I know I would miss you something awful if you left, and so would a bunch of other people.” Her mind automatically pictures Con and Jason, but she doesn’t mention them by name. “But whatever you decide, we’ll all be behind you. Just be sure that you’re sure before you change anything. If the path isn’t clear, wait until it is.” She gives a little shrug. “If you wait for God’s answer and in two months He reveals to you that you should go, then it’s not like Arizona is gone… it will still be there. And if Scott is willing to hang on to your relationship over the distance, he’ll still be there too. But follow God…let Him decide where you need to be, and when any changes are to be made. With Him in the lead, you can’t go wrong. And if you need to wait to hear from Him, then wait.”

Carson grins and takes in a breath, smelling the delicious looking breakfast. “Mm, I don’t think I’ll have a problem helping you out here.” He reaches out to snitch a tiny piece of bacon. “Yep…I definitely think I can handle this.”

His head is still over her shoulder, and he gives her a sidelong glance. “You, on the other hand, I’m not so sure.” Withdrawing his hands, he gives her hip a pat before heading to the fridge to find something to drink.

“Listen, I got some running around to do tonight. Got a buddy who wanted me to help him move some furniture into his place, but he doesn’t get off work until about eleven. So I’m going to go over there tonight for just a bit. While I’m gone though, I either want you at TJY, or I’ll get someone else to come stay with you. That choice is up to you.”

Jason leans back in his office chair, unable to concentrate on the information he was supposed to be studying. He’d started to form a plan of action that he would need Nate for, but as soon as he tried to figure it all out, his mind just wandered again.

Sighing, he twirls a pencil in his hand. Pausing for a moment, he taps the tip of his finger with the point, just enough it stings a little. Stopping, he cocks his head, concentrating on the sharp lead. Katie felt him when there was a heightened reaction in feelings, triggered by an event. If he got into an argument, his anger would spike and she’d know it. If he hit his hand with a hammer, it would spike a physical reaction of pain and she would feel it. What if…would it be possible to harness that single instance and withhold it from her?

Jason knew he could withhold everything. He could block out all his feelings so Katie would sense nothing. But…was there an in between stage? Could it really work that way? Could this…thing…be controlled?

Getting up from his desk, Jason heads down the hall, wanting to see if Katie were here yet.

Con hugs Jamie back, closing his eyes for a moment and letting her own embrace comfort him. “Yeah…” He speaks quietly. “I’ll be okay. I just keep seeing the whole thing over again. But Brandon’s in a better place now. His family aren’t Christians…maybe there’s a bigger reason I’m supposed to be there.”

Withdrawing, he kisses Jamie’s forehead. “Let’s enjoy the next couple days and make arrangements for BJ for Friday. Then you and I can head back then.”

Bret takes a swig of beer, not even looking to Charlotte. “He died last night.” He swallows another mouthful, letting the beverage slide down his throat. “Brandon died because some idiot didn’t do their job.”

He finally turns to see her, the flirtatious spark in his eye gone. “He was a good guy, ya know…” Looking back to his bottle, he spins it on the counter, making a pattern in the water rings. “Talked too much sometimes…butted heads with Dean once in a while…but he was a good worker.” He pauses, staring at the beer label. “He was just twenty-six. That’s too young to die…. Too young.” Finishing his statement, he finishes off his beer and sends the bottle shooting down the bar, signaling the bartender he wants another one.

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