

Carson looks down to Misty's hand in his, and just looks at it for a moment, listening to her talk. Slowly, his fingers tighten around hers, though they tremble slightly, his nerves almost shot. His voice is strained with new emotions. "I don't think I can do it alone," he admits quietly.

His eyes stay focused downward. "I need you, Misty."

Finally looking up, his gaze is full of the thousands of thoughts that are running through his mind. So much pain from the past, so much worry for the future, so much anxiety for the present.

Just letting his eyes do the talking, he lets go of Misty's hand and turns the car off once more. Taking a deep breath, he gets out of the car and comes around to the sidewalk to wait for Misty.

Entering the building, they're met with a blast of cool air and a bustle of activity. Seeing a receptionist's desk, Carson aims for it and questions the woman. "I um...I came to see Danielle Ban.... I mean... Danielle Davis."

The woman quirks an eyebrow, annoyed at being interrupted. She points down the hall. "Keep going, turn right at the end, then hang a left a the studio sign."

Carson follows her directions with his eyes and nods his thanks. Making sure Misty is still with him, he leads the way, looking around nervously. Seeing the sign in the hall, he's ready to make the left turn, but instead, his eyes wander to what appears to be the break room on the other side.

He stops dead in his tracks. His heart leaps into his throat.

Danielle tucks a long strand of blonde hair behind her ear and laughs at a coworker's joke. Dressed casually in a tank top and khaki capris, she leans back in her chair, taking a sip of her iced tea. "Hey, did I tell you about what Jerry told me the other night?" She rolls her eyes. "Poor guy was trying to be romantic.."

"Jerry?" The other woman, a brunette in her forties, raises her eyebrows. "Romantic?"

Danielle giggles. "Yeah, that's my point. So here we are, out at that hotdog stand at the beach and..." Suddenly her eyes drift upward and catch sight of the two strangers in the door. She leaves her sentence hanging and looks at them with question. For some strange reason, a chill runs down her spine. "Can I...help you?"

Carson doesn't even know what to say. His eyes stayed glued to Danielle, his mind racing. Finally, a slight smile curls one corner of his mouth and he cocks his head. "You're all grown up."

Danielle raises her eyebrows and she stands from the table, studying Carson. A strange fear came upon her. It had been a long time since she'd spoken to someone with that strong of an accent. Her own had faded long ago. "I'm sorry...do I...do I know you?"

Carson swallows hard and tries to gain strength from feeling Misty at his side. "I'm...I mean....it's...it's been a long time."

Danielle's senses are heightened and she glances down to Amy, then back up at Carson. "I'm sorry, but...who are you?"

Carson lets a faint laugh escape. "I guess a twelve-year-old's memory might fade after a while...Danni."

Danielle sucks in her breath, her hands starting to shake slightly. "Only one person has ever been allowed to call me that," she hisses. "And he's dead. "Now I don't know who you are, or what you want, but please leave."

Her words cut Carson to the quick, and he grits his teeth, trying to stay in control of his own emotions. He searches his sister's eyes. "He's not dead..." He takes a step forward. "You do know me."

Tears of fear and confusion spring into Danielle's eyes and she takes a step backward. Memories that she had suppressed years ago come flying back to her. "No...no...I don't know what you're talking about. Please, just leave."

Amy stands up, ready to defend her friend, but Carson waves her off. "I'm not here to hurt anyone," he defends quietly. He turns back to Danielle. "Look at me, Danni...please..."

Danielle dares to stare him in the eye, dares to study his face, dares to hear that voice. Close enough, she reaches out a trembling hand to touch his face. Her voice is but a whimper. "Carson?"

Carson's own tears pool behind his eyes. "It's me."

A tear runs down Danielle's cheek as she breaths in deep, retrieving her hand. "How is this possible? I don't understand. Is this some horrid joke?"

"It's no joke." Carson pleads with her to accept the truth.

"How...how can I be sure?"

Carson looks at her with so many thoughts...so many memories flashing through his mind. "Don't let the bullies scare you, Danni. Just call for me...no matter where you are, I'll come running."

A sob sticks in Danielle's throat as she's thrown back into grade school, standing in that scary hall, her big brother offering his protection.

Amy sidles in next to her, to put an arm around her shoulder. "Honey, are you alright?"

Danielle shakes her head, now the tears flowing from her eyes. "I don't know... I just..."

Carson reaches out to his sister, but she backs up another step. "Please, Danni...don't be scared of me."

"How can I not be?" Danielle finally finds her voice. "You've been dead to me all these years. I don't understand...this isn't possible...Mum and Dad..."

Carson shakes his head, willing his own tears not to fall. "I was the only one."

"But why...why didn't you tell me."

"It's a long story...one I can't share in here in five minutes."

Danielle is shaking now, and clings to Amy's hand. "Please leave me alone, she begs."

Carson's heart sinks. "But..."

"Please! Or I'm going to call security."

Carson looks to Misty for help, then back at his sister, not understanding, not able to express what he wants to.

Bret passes his own house, stepping on the gas to speed out of town, his windshield wipers fighting the rain. Why he was so upset right now, he didn't know. Screeching to a halt at the side of the road, he reaches into his pocket to pull out a quarter. Giving it a toss, he catches it to reveal tails.

Throwing his car back in gear, he continues his route to the lake. The bar would wait.

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