
Can't be stopped

Scott looks down at Katie, his face growing all the more redder, and he shakes his head, though ironically managing a “Yeah, sure.”

Gingerly dismounting, he opts not to sit, but attempt to walk it off, trying not to make this into a big deal. It was bad enough that he was a city slicker, and then to make a fool out of himself on top of it was just icing on the cake. Not that he wasn’t used to it. He just wished he could have been a little bit less clumsy in front of Katie.

He finally replies to her question. “I’m not gonna make you walk all the way back. Besides, I’d never live it down.” Bending over to rest his palms on his knees for a moment, he takes a deep breath. “Whew…okay…”

Straightening again, he looks at Katie, swallowing the pain. “No, stick with your own horse. I’ve got something to prove at this point, though so far I’m doing a doozy of a job.”

Cringing just as bit, he goes back to Crimson and mounts up again, easing slowly back into the saddle. The sweat the runs down the side of his face isn’t just from the heat anymore, but he grits his teeth together, determined not to make a big deal out of this.

He’s quiet most of the way back to the ranch. He’d gladly spend all his free time with Katie, but right about now, he can’t wait until the ride ends. It was faster than walking though, so he perseveres.

As the two reenter the ranch yard, Jeff is there to greet them. “Hey, you two. I was just about ready to come out looking for ya. How was the ride?” He quirks an eyebrow, seeing the look on Scott’s face. “Crimson throw you again?”

Scott grimaces and pulls Crimson to a stop. “Not exactly.” Rising to swing his leg over the horse’s back, he slowly lets himself down to the ground, taking a moment before even trying to walk. He was so stiff he could barely move. He’d never been this sore in his life.

Jeff takes Crimson’s reins, eyeing Scott skeptically. “Rough ride?”

“You could say that.”

“You don’t look so hot.”

“I don’t feel so hot.”

“What happened?”

Scott cringes and shakes his head. “You don’t want to know. Just imagine a saddle horn and me flying about six inches too high and about six inches too far forward.”

Jeff’s eyes widen. “Whooo boy. No wonder you’re walking like…”

“Jeff.” Scott’s eyes beg him to stop. “I’m fine.”

Jeff takes the hint and stops before teasing begins. “Other than that?”

“The sights were great.” Scott nods. “It was pretty.” Following Jeff and Katie into the barn, he’s not much help unsaddling or rubbing down the horses, but he sticks around anyway, not wanting to just up and leave them to all the work.

When finished though, he’s back with Katie for just a moment before bowing out of any more immediate adventures. “Thanks for the ride, Katie.” Despite the pain he’s in, his thanks is genuine. “I did have a good time.” He nods to the trail that leads back to the cabin. “I’m going to, um…go clean up. So, I’ll catch you in just a little bit, alright?”

The afternoon sun cannot be held back, despite the desire of those at the ranch to keep the day forever. Though arms are locked in hugs, time persists. Though hearts are being shared, the hours still pass. Though reunions are sweet, minutes are robbed like a fleeting mist.

And too soon, the sun is sinking lower in the sky, beginning it’s final farewell on this day, beckoning the coolness of evening…drawing the moon into its own play to watch over the land.

The gang begins to gather in the mess hall from supper. Everyone having found their own places for the afternoon finally come together again as one group, greeting each other warmly as if a week had gone by instead of only hours.

Mick is sure to regain his seat with Rosetta, BJ and Jade. Con automatically sits with Jamie, Laura with Nate and Maggie, and Ty timidly sits with his newfound family, along with Luke, Angel and Wendy all at one long table. Couples find each other as usual, and off to the side, Sparky and Mel sit together as well, though seem just a little bit happier than usual, a mischievous twinkle in Mel’s eyes, and a new light in Sparky’s.

As the food is prepared, the conversations are a bit loud, mixed with laughter and the sound of chairs moving on the tiled floor.

“So anyway, I…” Con glances around, for the first time, realizing that Scott isn’t with Katie at the other table. “Say, where’s Scott run off to?”

Laura shakes her head. “We were looking for him earlier, but he seemed to have disappeared. Pete said he was back at the cabin for just a few minutes once, but he hadn’t seen him since.”


“Oh, you know him…he probably went and found a corner to hibernate in.”

“With Katie around?” Con smirks a little. “I think you underestimate the power she has over him.”

Laura giggles. “Maybe.”

As if on cue, the door opens and Scott finally reappears to those who had wondered at his whereabouts. Looking over the room he finds Katie and makes his way to her, walking a bit slowly…a bit stiffly…and it’s obvious to just those who knew he’d been riding that he was trying very hard not to show how sore he was.

Grabbing a chair across from Katie, he eases down carefully and tosses her a grin. “Sorry I didn’t catch up with you sooner.”

…Jason enters the mess hall somewhat awkwardly, noting that everyone else was already there. The smell of food hits his nostrils making his stomach growl, reminding him that he’d unwisely skipped lunch today. From the looks of things, the evening meal had already started.

Scanning the faces, he sees little room for intrusion. Families were sitting together…friends and fiancés were sitting together. A few guys were by themselves, but even they had congregated at one of the back tables.

Sighing a little, Jason’s eyes land on Katie. Guilt hit him just a little bit, as he remembers he hasn’t even said hi to her. Not that it was required, but knowing Katie, she’d probably noticed him being offish. He hadn’t really meant to…it had just…happened. He felt out of place here…like an outsider.

Spying Scott with Katie, Jason’s shoulders sink lower. Even going to say hi to her seemed difficult now. But there was only one way it was going to get easier, and if he couldn’t do it for himself, he had better do it for Katie so this whole thing quit being so hard on her.

Standing a little taller, Jason weaves in between the tables, nodding to a few other people who greet him, and he comes up on Scott and Katie, approaching from Scott’s side of the table.

Scott is in the middle of a conversation with Katie when he catches sight of Jason coming towards him. Immediately on edge, reflexes cause him to jump, and he starts to rise from his chair, unwanted fear hitting him.

But Jason’s hand goes firmly to his shoulder, pushing back down a little roughly to avoid a scene. “It’s over, Scott.” He speaks sternly but quietly. “Please stop being afraid of me.”

Scott swallows hard and glances to Katie, then back up to Jason. “Easier said than done.”

“I know.” Jason removes his hand, his eyes unwilling to stay still. “But I was wrong.” He looks over to Katie and gives her a little nod. “I’m a little late, but I just wanted to say hi to you guys…I hadn’t had a chance since I got here this morning.” An empty chair sits at their end of the table, but Jason dares not sit. He’s done enough damage without barging in on Katie and Scott’s meal together.

Mick leans back in his chair and grins at BJ who is just getting settled, waiting for the evening meal. “So, did you have fun with Jamie and Con today?”

Wyatt cringes a little at Aerith’s discovery of her own sunburn. “Yeah, I thought it looked like you were getting a bit red. When we get back to my place, I got some stuff that you can put on it that will help with the sting.”

Fishing for just a while longer, Wyatt and Reese are finally satisfied with how many fish they have. Starting to gather up all their tackle and remnants from their noon meal, they realize that the sun is lower in the sky than they’d realized.

Wyatt makes sure that Aerith is with them and they make their short trek back to his jeep, taking the ride home with the top down, letting the wind comb their hair.

Arriving back at Wyatt’s house, Reese is quick to get to the kitchen to start preparing the fish while Wyatt gets their tackle put away. After cleaning up just a bit, he finds Aerith in the living room, and holds out a small bottle of ointment. Cocking his head a little, he holds it out his hand. “May I?”

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