

Jason gives Dr. Fuller a grateful nod in response.

Laura reaches over to take Nate’s hand, not exactly sure what to do.

Con looks to Jason, gesturing to the door. “You might want to be the first one back in there, Jase.”

Jason swallows hard. “But Con, I…”

“I know it’s awkward. But you know it’s best. It’s you she wants to see, and for right now, the awkwardness on your part is worth it.”

“She’ll have to know sometime…”

“Yes, but not today.” Con almost can’t stand the thought of how much Katie would hurt to find out right now that she and Jason had broken up. “Just be her friend…she needs that.”

“I don’t know how long I can keep this up…. Letting her think we haven’t changed, not to mention not letting her know what I’m thinking. It’s hard enough now the way it is, I’m driving myself crazy trying to block all these things.”

Con looks Jason in the eye. “You have the ability and you know it. Be yourself and just quit worrying. It’ll all work out.”

Jason glances down at the table. “Yeah…I know…” Finally he rises. “Alright…I’ll be back.”

Slowly he makes his way back to Katie’s room….he’s so unsure about so many things. It was just something else he has to block. He had to do this…for Katie. Whether they were dating or not, she was still his friend, and he still cared about her.

Knocking softly, he enters her room, a smile coming to his lips. He approaches casually and eases down in the chair again, looking her in the eye. “So…I guess you’re gonna live, huh?” The humor dances in his voice. “That would be a good thing. Doc said you could go home in a day or two…I think Laura will be pretty happy about that.” He pauses a moment, cocking his head and knowing that his small talk chatter wasn't doing anyone any good. He finally gives in to a little more seriousness. "How you holding up, Hero?"

The officer at the counter sports a badge with the name Springer on it. He quirks an eyebrow at Herb, and lazily flips through some papers. “Ah, yes…brought in a while ago. Assault charges, I believe. The other three were released, and Mr. Banks was kept for additional questioning. Detective Houghens is unable to see him right now though, so the sheriff has informed us that Mr. Banks will be held overnight.” He shrugs and thumbs to the back. “Want to see him though, be my guess. Officer Thomlinson will escort you.”

Carson paces the small cell, his anger boiling. How could this have happened? It was ridiculous! It was unfair and stupid! He’d been attacked, and just because the other guys had a better story, they were the ones to go free, and he was kept. A ‘troublemaker’ they said. Maybe losing his temper hadn’t helped things much, but he was tired of the bad guy label! No matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried, he was still a bad guy. Would it follow him the rest of his life? Even with a pardoned record, after the stunt he’d pulled with the fight ring and escaping jail, all the dirt was back again.

Leaning back against the wall, his baseball cap is pulled low over his eyes and he stares at he floor. He might lose his job over this one. He’d been given the chance to make a phone call, but the only person he’d call would be Misty, and he hadn’t had the nerve to call her and tell her where he was. Even if it wasn’t his fault, he just didn’t want to have to tell her one more time that he’d messed up. He was tired of being the screw-up.

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