

*Dr. Fuller looks at Jason for a moment and than gives a nod.*

" I hope she can go home in a day or two. Just someone has to keep a close eye on her. Since she is confused she might try to do something she thins she cant when she really cant. She does I told her that much because Con has said that alot of time had passed. She was pretty shocked but she took it well. Right now she just needs her friends and family. We can only hope in time she will remember."

*Dr. Fuller gives a nod and stands.*

"She is resting now if you want to go in to see her you can."

*Herb watches as the officers take Carson out. He wanted to protest to what happend because he has seen some of what went on but that could make it just harder on Carson after he put up a fight. Letting them go Herb takes his place behind the grill.

As the hours pass Herb becomes impashent and hates to think he'd left Carson there this long. Exiting the kitchen he lets Mable know she is in charge of the grill and he will be back. Leaving the restront Herb jumps into his car and makes his way acorss town.

Finally geting to the police station he enters and goes over to the counter.*

"Excuse me, I saw what happend with Carson Banks and the other men at my restront. I'd like to clear Carson's name please and pay his bail if I have to."

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