

Jason starts to open his mouth to argue that it might not be any person to make him happy at all - he wasn't convinced of that. But he stops, letting her continue instead.

As she mentions missing him happy, and others missing him that way as well, a dimness passes through his eyes. He may have spoken with confidence, but there was still a lack of life, and he knew it...and he missed it too. He missed smiling...he missed laughing.

Seeing Katie start to leave, Jason isn't satisfied with the conclusion of their conversation. He doesn't know what else he wants to say, but it still felt so unresolved. "Katie..." He gets up from his desk and follows route to his doorway as she enters the hall. "I..." His voice trails off as he sees Scott coming near.

In a split second, his whole demeanor flips, his intentions totally changed, and he thinks fast, saying something completely different than planned. "I've been talking with the band about next weekend. We got a gig in Hoberton. You coming along for security? I know Jen could use a hand again too."

Scott cocks his head a little as he approaches. He'd liked JetStream when he'd heard them, and the thought of seeing them again was something he'd enjoy. "Public event?"

"Sure is," Jason nods. "Everyone's welcome. If you come early with Katie, you could even help us set up if you want. Come to think of it, Jen's been having trouble with the sound board - I bet you could figure out what's wrong with it."

Scott perks up a little bit. It was good to be on speaking terms with Jason again...being included in an outside activity was rather appealing, especially knowing Katie would be near so he wouldn't be alone in a crowd. "I could take a look." He glances at Katie. "You going?"

Carson eyes Frankie as he talks, wondering at the motives...plans...intentions. At Frankie's question, his eyes narrow slightly, a confidently wry grin emerging as he leans back in his chair. Something was challenging him...he wasn't sure what or how, but it was there...somehow, in Frankie's eyes. "I like to think it was me who held the bait, not her," he replies with cockiness. "Sass is an added bonus, but my tastes vary."

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