

*Katie looks away from her computer screen and looks up at Scott. Her own eyes seemed alittle brighter. Weaghts removed, and freedome now rained proving alittle less tress.*

"Heya Scotty. You look alittle less tired today. Thats a good thing."

*Misty gives alittle jump receveing the swat from Carson a grin on her face as he pass her. Throwing him a killer look.*

"You know I dont choose to be this goodlooking it just happens. And who said I dont like seeing you crazy?"

*Misty cant help but shakes her head as a few eyes turn to look at her and what she just said. Giving them a thumbs up she continues to walk ahead with Carson.*

*Katie looks up at Reese as he asks about Jason. Giving a little shrug Katie shakes her head.*

"No I dident feel anything last night. Nothing bad anyways. Everything was calm and peacful, a bit of good feelins here and there. My guess would be Jason was out just gaving a good time with freedome. Trust me if it wasent you would of been one of the first to know."

*Katie looks back up at Reese and than Wyatt a bit of worry now entered her veins. Jason he been last seen with Camryn. Katie dident think much about it lastnight but now Katie's mind started to wonder. A strange feeling moved inside of her, almost like a stab to the stomach. Katie trys to push the feeling away. She didet know anything of what was going on and she would rather not start assmuing. But the ping was still there.*

*Lockhearts room stays quiet and empty. The bed neatly made and all signs of someone staying there gone. Money left on her dresser.

Lockheart waiting in the terminal her phone pressed to her ear.*

"Jake...calm down I am on my way back now. My plane leaves in a half hour. Ok...ya send me the reports to my laptop and I will look them over on the plane. Ok Jake...ok...see ya than."

*Lockheart hangs up the phone and lets out a sigh. She dident want to be going back so soon but a case that she had been working on for a while took a turn for the worse and she had to. Taking her phone again Lockheart dials Reese' number only to receve his voice mail.*

"HI Reese, Its Lockheart. I know I said I was going to be staying around for a for a few days but there is an emergncy back at my company in Cali with a case that too a turn for the worst so I had to leave early this morning. I'm at the air port now and the plane takes off in a half hour. If you need me please feel free to call any time of day. My number is 567-460-8934. You can my cell already and my faxe is 567-2391. Take care and Hope to talk to you soon. Good Luck!"

*Lockheart hangs up the phone and stands geting ready to bored the plane. For a moment she stops and turns. Something told her to stay, something wanted her to stay, but now it wasent her fear holding her it was the face she HAD to go. Jack was her Sr. partner she couldent let him high and dry. Lockheart gets on the plane and finds her seat. Flipping open her laptop she receves the files Jake had sent her and gets lost in her work.*

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