

Reese gives a little sigh, but nods. "Yeah, I know you'd tell me. I just wanted to make sure. Thanks."

As he leaves, Scott turns his attention back to Katie, his eyes filled with question. Something just seemed...odd. "That's interesting...I'd worry, but I know you know there's nothing to worry about..." He shakes his head with a little grin. "It's an interesting scenario, I tell ya. So...what are you plans for lunch today?"

Carson throws Misty a sly glance before throwing an arm around her shoulders and planting a kiss on her lips as they walk. "Just don't enjoy it too much, or you might have to put this poor bloke in a looney bin."

Jason ambles onto the main floor, heading towards the hall. From the looks of things, he's showered and has clean clothes on, giving slight waves to those who great him. He's about ready to turn to his office, but Reese calls out to him. "Jason!"

He stops and turns around, calling back to his boss. "I gotta let Trooper out!"

"Let it wait a minute!"

Sighing, Jason goes to Reese out on the main floor. Their voice remain even, but they're within earshot of most people.

Reese looks at him with question. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well..." Reese cocks his head. "Carson said you didn't come home last night, and so we just wondered..."

Jason quirks an eyebrow, a smile playing at his lips. "I'm glad to know I've got so many people looking out for me."

"That wasn't my point. Where were you?"

Jason's smile fades into a frown. He wasn't used to people asking him where he'd been at night - it had seemed no one's business. "Look, I don't think it really matters."

"It does to me."

"Well that's my personal life, Reese. I'm here this morning, that's all you have to worry about."

"No, actually I worry about you too," Reese states flatly. "If no one else is gonna look out for you, I am. And you had me worried there for just as bit."

"Alright, fine." Jason shrugs. "I was with a friend. Happy?"

Reese's eyes narrow. "Can Camryn be trusted?"

Jason's looks at Reese with a bit more surprised, laced with irritation. "I think you can stop now."

"Look, it's my job, Jason. In this line or work, underground or not, I need to make sure security is still being kept."

"Well what do you think I did? Spill every top secret code to her or something?" Jason's irritation begins to build to a dull anger. "Quit digging, Reese!"

Reese is taken aback just a little. "If you stopped looking guilty, maybe I would."

Jason shakes his head, gritting his teeth. "Just let it drop. I'm here for the day, so just pile the work on and I'll get it done." Spinning on his heel, he stalks toward the hall. On his way, he spots Katie out of the corner of his eye. His emotions already exposed, he didn't try to hide them. He was irritated with Reese's questioning. There was some anger there. There was something that felt good tucked away, almost hidden. But in front of it was a strange sensation of guilt for something. A veil was there too, almost as if refusing to let something surface, waiting...testing...something new.

Keeping his route, Jason goes to his office to retrieve Trooper, then heads toward the exit to take the dog out.

Reese gets back to his office, just a tad frustrated. What was wrong with Jason? He could make assumptions that he really didn't want to... everything pointed in that direction...but Jason wouldn't do that...would he?

Shaking his head, Reese plops down, and sees he has a voice mail. Checking it, his heart sinks a little. He'd just missed Lockheart...she was already gone...probably hadn't even received the flowers. Hanging up, he just sits and thinks for several moments. For some reason, the thought of Lockheart not being involved with TJY bothered him. But he couldn't pinpoint why he felt that way, so he tried to dismiss it. Lockheart had her own practice in California...it was her life...if he was her, he wouldn't want to just pack up and come to Nevada just because of one case either. It had been a silly notion.

Deciding he still wanted to send his thanks though, Reese opts to go to the computer instead of the phone this time, opening his email.
Just wanted to say thanks again. Got your message. Hope your flight back is smooth. We all appreciated your hard work. Don't stay a stranger...
Reese stops typing and shakes his head. What was he thinking? He backspaces.
Take care...
No, that didn't sound right. He backspaces again, giving an inward groan at himself.
Got your message. Hope your flight back is smooth. We all appreciate you and your work. Thanks again for everything. Will keep in touch.
Rolling his eyes, Reese hits "send."

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