

Laura's words are like a crack of thunder to his ears as the rain rolls into his heart. Laura hadnt said no, but she hadnt said yes eather and now, now he had to wait even longer.

Gently letting go of her hands Nate takes the tiny ring and puts it back into the box. Giving the best smile he can a few tears can be seen in Nate's own eyes something that didnt happen often.

"You can have all the time you need Laura."

Getting off his knee Nate stands putting the tiny box into his pocket. Looking around the room Nate slowly sees everyone going back to there dinner. Letting out a silent sigh that was mixed with the feeling of hurt Nate slowly slips into the seat across from Laura again. He new she didnt mean to hurt him, and she really did need her time, Nate new she did care for him but still...the pain was there just the same

Seeing the waiter come twords there table with dinner Nate whipes his face and smile once again.

"Just in time I'm starving."

Though really he wasnt that hungry.

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