

Katie looks to Jason, than to Carson and than back to Hal. She felt a bit nervouse. Leaving Texas to go to Nevada had been the farthest from home she had even been and now, now she was going over seas. Katie new she would be ok, she was in good hands with her two friends but still it was a bit nerve racking.

"Ready, lets his the road."

Taking Jason's hand Katie makes her way to the door. It braught her a bit of comfort knowing he was going to be there with her.

Stairing at the closed infermary door Misty lets out a sigh. So far from home Carson would be and though it was to help Angel she still wished he didnt have to go and face the danger that awaited.

"He's gonna be ok right Rick?"

Turning Misty goes back to her desk and sifts through a few papers trying to keep her mind on something alse for now.

Waiting at the door for Laura Nate sees her enter and smiles walking up along side of her.

"You look very pretty tonight Larua!"

Taking hold of her arm and smiling he guilds them to there seat. He could never be prouder to have something so beautiful on his arm and to him today was a special day.

Sitting across from Laura Nate just smiles as they order and get there drinks. The small candle casting a soft glow to Laura's face and the music in the background playing quietly just setting the mood.

The talk is light as they wait for there food, both joking and remembering the past. Finally there conversation had a break in it and it was quiet. Looking down at the table for a moment Nate finally looks up back. This quiet break was the opening he needed. It was now or Nate would never do it.

Taking Laura's hand in his own he holds it silent for a moment as he runs his thumb over it. His other hand resting in front of him. Looking up again He meets Laura's eyes the flicker of the candle giving them a glow that made Nate's heart flutter.

"Laura its been a year today that you have blessed me with being the luckiest man in the world. I remember when I first came to TJY I saw you and I leaned over to Con and made a comment about the cutie that just walked in the door."

Nate stops and shakes his head gives a tiny chuckles at the memorie.

"And he stoped and looked at me and told me you were his sister. I think I was scaired of him from that point on, but than one day I think it was a simple Hi you said to me and I relized that even if I was scaired of your brother it was worth it."

Nate is silent again as he gathers his thoughts.

"Than I was lucky enough for you to go for ice cream with me that day, and you ended up letting me part of your life. It took a while but I'd never change anything because when you finally said I could be more than a friend it was the happest moment of my life, and to this day I have never regretted it."

Nate clears his throat again and he continues to look deep into Laura's eyes. He was so nervouse and his heart was thumping so fast he feared that she could hear it herself. Shifting just a little Nate gets out of his chair and comes closer to Laura bending down on one knee he looks up at her.

"Laura, I hate it when we have to say good bye and go our own ways. I hate not knowing your ok, and if you made it there ok or not. Sometimes I feel silly for thinking these things but than I remember I do because I love you very much."

Taking a deep break Nate continues to talk for fear if he stoped he would never get it out.

"I hope that one day I wont have to wonder anymore because I will know when you get home, and I will know you are ok. Laura I want that day to be soon, I want to not have to say goodbye to you anymore and worry about you are night, because you will be in my arms and I will be keeping you safe."

Moving his free hand Nate opens it and laying in his palm is a black silk box. Letting go of Laura's hand he opens it slowly to reveal a silver ring with a single small dimond in the middle that sparkled in the light.

"Laura Gribbs, will you marry me and let me take care of you?"

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