

One by one, more TJY staff stand, stating their loyalty to staying.

Con's mind races. He thinks of Jamie...thinks of the future that was now so foggy...thinks of his family that he might not get to see again. But sometimes sacrifices had to be made, and though he wasn't any longer staff here, his name was still on record. He stands.

"I may not be employed here any more, but if you go down, I'm coming along. I can't help out much, but I'm not going to back out and have my name erased from anything. TJY is a part of my history and will remain as such."

Wyatt looks at his dad and nods, not needing to repeat what others are saying. "I'm in."

Laura looks to Nate, feeling proud to be close to him... She nods her own agreement. "This place is my life. I'm not leaving, and I'm not going to let Jason down."

Scott glances around the room, seeing everyone's brave stances. He looks back to Katie, but she doesn't see him as her gaze is on the floor. If for nothing else, he wanted to get Jason back here just to see Katie happy again. Neither one of them deserved this fate. He stands up.

"I know I'm just the tech guy around here, but for what it's worth, I'm staying. I don't have anything else but my dog, and I know my sister's staying here too." He glances in Sapphire's direction, then back at Reese. "I couldn't live with myself if everyone else got taken down and I was left on the outside. So...if your computer blows up, I'm still here."

Reese looks around the room, pride in his eyes. By the time the rounds are finished, there is not one left without having stated their support. He nods decisively. "I couldn't be more honored to work with all of you." He scans the faces. "Then that's settled. We forge ahead, and we will expose TJY and all its employees"

He points to Carson. "I want you and Misty in my office in ten minutes to discuss Agency members. Scott, I want you on hack detail to get into police files and dig up all the info on past cases we've been involved with - we'll have to prove we've helped the law. Katie, I want you working with Scott. Nate and...." He looks around and shrugs. "Laura. You two compile a list of local authorities to talk to. Lockheart, come in my office too so we can discuss how we'll approach the law. Con, I know you have another job, so I won't keep you here. But keep your phone on. Jamie...you and Susanne dig up what we have on cases we've found Agency influence in. We have to prove the Agency exists, too. Everyone else - do your jobs as usual, but be on call for anything else."

The staff disperses. Everyone mingles for a minute, but what can be said? Each heads out to do their tasks.

Carson and Misty wind up in Reese's office, and he looks to them before Lockheart, not wanting to make her wait, but not wanting her to leave just yet either.
Reese sighs deeply and grabs a notepad and pen. "Alright you two... I'm gonna need some names of Agency people you two have been involved with. I know there's a lot, but give me some feedback on ringleaders. We've got to come up with some solid stuff here."

Scott meanders over to Katie and squats down next to her, trying to find her eyes. "Hey...you up to some work? I know Reese will understand if you need to go home. Otherwise you can come on over to my desk - I've got two computers we can work at. You're probably just as good at hacking into systems as I am."

Laura separates from the group, and finally gets back with Nate at his cubicle. Well...I guess we're it." She gets a little grin on her face. "Surprise surprise. Where you want to work?"

Con catches Jamie before he leaves again. "Hey...I'm gonna go back to work..." he looks down at her, searching her eyes. "You're okay with all this?"

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