
Strange feelings

Leaving, Waytt knows he's left Aerith in good hands, and heads out of the restaurant. As he passes by the window outside, he glances in to see Katie and Scott again. It wasn't abnormal to see Katie hanging out with other people, especially over the lunch hour, but it was unusual to see Scott with someone. He'd always been pretty much a loner.

Wyatt couldn't help the strange feeling he got..almost as if the scene now was the reflection of something to happen in the future..almost as if this scene would be replayed, but with damage in its wake.

Shaking his head, Wyatt hops into his jeep. Whatever was running through his mind was silly - he couldn't even decipher what it was. Katie had Jason and was out now with Scott as friends. What was wrong with that?

Laura contemplates her choice, and glances to her brother and Jamie. She'd really prefer to stay here...she felt safer with Con around.... but he and Jamie deserved their alone time, and Laura had already done enough to disrupt them.

"Um, we can go to that booth over there," Laura points just a short ways away. That way they wouldn't bother Con and Jamie, but would still be within sight.

Scott listens to Katie, finding her story an interesting one. There was more to her than met the eye, just as he'd suspected.

He stirs his ice around with his straw as she concludes. Yes, there were more questions, but he wasn't going to ask them. He was going to stick to his word and not walk on eggshells, but there was no point in creating awkwardness.

"Sounds like you've had a life lacking boredom." Scott chuckles. "You're hanging out with the right guy then - I'm an expert at boring other people." Though the statement is intended to be humorous, something in his eye reveals that he believes it. The past has shaped him too, but somewhere along the way he got stuck in a mold that others had made.

All he talked about at work was computer equipment...it was what everyone expected, so that's what he gave. He'd slipped up numerous times in high school, giving him the title of Clumsyscott, and he'd quit a long time ago trying to prove that one wrong...he still remembered the day he'd picked Katie up...not only had he been all thumbs, but he'd been running on caffeine-induced energy after pulling an all-nighter at the office...it had only amplified his habitual state of ineptness.

People teased him about how he dressed...he was the nerd...When in high school he'd hung out with the other "nerds" and picked up on silly habits, then once here had tried breaking out of that a couple times, just to be bombarded with a whole new set of teasing...trying at style drew more attention than just continuing with his normal look, so he'd given up on that one too.

He didn't like a lot of attention, so just always staying the same and being consistent kept him out of the spotlight. Maybe there were times he wanted to change it...maybe there were times he wanted to try something else...find himself...but he'd convinced himself that this was him...it was a safer place to be in.

But lately, something inside him had intensified, creating a desire to stop with the mold... He would always like computers, and he would always like the strange combination of sportscars and classical music...but there was something inside of him, trying to get him to break out and let his true self out. And Scott knew...this feeling had erupted after he'd started hanging out with Katie. There was just something about her...

...Conversation falls back into light chitchat once their food arrives, and after they're done with the meal, Scott insists on paying as a get-well gesture.

Driving Katie back to her place, he parks in the drive and looks at her with question. "You be alright, or do I need to stick around to make sure you don't go and do something crazy like get sick again?"

Domino looks up at her from her lap and almost seems to smile.

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