
The Meeting

The rec room grows warm as the TJY staff gathers. Someone pulls out folding chairs so everyone can sit down, and they mingle, waiting for direction.

Con finds his way downstairs, feeling just a little out of place. He wasn't sure why Reese wanted him here...he was no longer staff. It felt strange being included in a meeting like this. Just being here for anything other than to say hi or pick someone up for lunch was strange. But apparently he was wanted. He finds a chair on the end and strikes up a conversation with Wyatt as hey wait.

Carson looks around the room, and finding Misty, goes to her. Knowing they're gonna start soon, he doesn't say anything, but takes the darts from her hand and puts them away, dragging her to the empty seat next to the one he'd chosen, and sets her down. "I'm scared of everyone else," he teases with mock fear. "I can't have anyone else sitting next to me."

Scott was one of the first on the scene, and swivels around as someone else enters the room. He's got back on a collard shirt, though no tie, his glasses on and every hair in place. He spots Katie. She looked terrible. Worry hits him. Whatever she had couldn't be good if it was taking her on such a severe rollercoaster ride. She had been fine when they'd been out yesterday.

Everyone is present. They wait. Finally the door opens and Carter enters. His walk is slow, showing the years that have affected him. Not normally seen throughout TJY, some staff raise their eyebrows, slightly surprised.

Carter makes his way to the front of the group and looks at each one before beginning to speak. "I've never been as privileged as I am now, working with such a diverse, talented, dedicated...wonderful group of individuals. I've done a lot wrong in the past, and you all know that I took part in what is now our arch enemy. But turning around and starting TJY was the best decision I ever made."

He pauses, obviously having a plan, but unsure how people will respond. "My great-grandson has been wrongly imprisoned. And I don't approach you today as simply Jason's boss...I can't deny that personal feelings are involved here, and I beg your forgiveness for this. I hate favoritism and will need you all to inform me if my decisions are being clouded by those personal feelings."

Another pause takes over the room. Scott throws Katie a look of question. Con glances around wondering if he's the only one out of the loop. One could hear a pin drop before Carter continues.

"We all know that the secret of TJY has been in jeopardy for a long time, and that it has worsened in the last few months. The danger increases that we may be found out, and that all of our lives will change drastically. Though we believe in our mission and have done all in our power to promote what is right, in doing such, we have committed what would be considered crimes by governmental law enforcement."

It's obvious that something big is happening as Carter looks to Reese, then back to the staff.

"The fact is, that while trying to get Jason out of prison, we have been unable to produce hard evidence for his case because of the secrecy of TJY. Bringing forth all of the information we hold, would put everything in danger, and we would be exposed. For over six months now, we have stuck to this secrecy and done our best...with some good help..." Carter's eyes drift to Lockheart for just a moment.

"But it hasn't been good enough. Reese and I have had heavy debates about what should happen, and we both feel very strongly that we cannot abandon this case. My great-grandson or not, I would not be able to live with myself if any of you were wrongly imprisoned, when I had the power to have you released. However..."

A pause again. The staff is on edge.

"...At this point in time, if we were to gather the evidence we need, it boils down to one fact - if we are to have Jason released, TJY must be exposed."

A murmur waves through the group, and Carter holds up his hand.

"Yes, I realize what I just said. And the problem is this - If TJY is exposed, all of our livelihoods are in jeopardy. If TJY is taken down, all of you will be out of jobs. Some of you have families to care for, and even if you don't, finding work is hard, especially if you have a passion for justice. Therefore, we have some hard decisions to make. And I am unwilling to make this decision myself. That's why I've called you all here today...if we cannot agree on this action, then it will simply not happen, and we will continue trying to work underground to free Jason, though I fear it would be futile." He turns to Reese, wanting to hand the job of details over to him.

Reese takes his place, holding several papers in his hand, and addressing the staff matter-of-factly. "There are several things that can happen here...several different scenarios.

"Number one - We decide exposing TJY is the best option. Everyone leaves here, we clean house and Carter and I take the heat without revealing any of your names. You all will be stripped from our records, your jobs here never having existed. This will disperse TJY and leave all of you free.

"Number two - We decide exposing TJY is the best option. Everyone stays and we bring everyone out in the open as substantial proof of our existence and our loyalty to justice. This bears with it the possibility that everyone here could be sent to prison for acts considered criminal in nature.

"Number three - We decide that exposing TJY is not worth the exchange, and we continue as-is. We would then implement some further changes in protocol to tighten security because of the severe threat of exposure without Jason even being in prison."

Reese lets the choices settle before moving on. "If either of the first two options are chosen, Carter and I will be working hard at clearing names and convincing the law that no one deserves to have charged placed against them. If the law complies, then TJY will be disbanded without the tragedy of imprisonment. Lockheart has offered to help us in our case, and we can hope that we can convince the right people of our intentions, but it is not certain."

Wyatt raises his hand. "Who do we talk to that would believe us? How do we know who would be on our side?"

"It's true that most law enforcement has first of all, never believed we existed as we clean up our messes well and help out behind the scenes. It's also true that no one believes the Agency exists, and the Agency is one of the main reasons we're here. How do we know who to talk to?" Reese shrugs, admitting he doesn't know. "We can only pray we find the right person."

Carson thinks for a moment, then raises his hand. "I know who's dirty and who's not. Shoot me some names and I can tell you if they're clean."

"Thank you." Reese nods. "That information will be helpful whether we disband or not." He looks around at the staff grimly. "Unless all of you have a strong pull right now in any one direction, I suggest taking a day to think this through, and we will have a second meeting tomorrow evening to finalize our decision."

Carson can't help his harsh remark. "If anyone here chooses to let Jason rot, then they shouldn't be here. And if anyone here would rather let Carter and Reese take all the heat for something we've all done, then they don't deserve to be here either. I may be the newbie here, but I thought this was a team. I don't care what happens - I'll go down with the ship if I have to. I couldn't live with my conscience otherwise. I've played that game enough. Everyone here signed on knowing that one day this could happen. Everyone knew that their family lives could be put in jeopardy, and it was a risk you all thought was worth taking. If it was that important then, then it better be now too, unless you all are hypocrites. If it takes a whole day to decide what to do, then I'm more concerned about loyalty within the ranks than outside interference." He leans back in his chair and folds his ams across his chest, waiting for the rebuttals.

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