
Not housebroke

Eli gives a little chuckle. "We always had a little piece of each other anyway... but maybe this has been a good reminder for me too." He shrugs. "When this is over and you're out of here, I want to spend some time with you... catch up on our lives while we're both still here to talk about it. I got time off work for family emergencies so... I got a bit of time to spare yet. Maybe I'll even get to see you race."

Kyle laughs and pulls Alice in for a hug. "You? Lose me? For some reason, I really don't think that's possible."

Still grinning, he was filled with such a feeling, he couldn't describe. It was excitement. It was peace. It was joy. He was finally ready... he was ready to take the stage once more. He had fought this gift for too long. He had denied himself this joy because of what others thought for too long. Now it was his time... God had swung wide the door and was calling him to enter. It was time. His time with Break Out had not been a waste... perhaps he had needed the time to find himself... to be out of place for a while so that when he found his place again, he would have no doubt. Perhaps he felt caution now, but somehow, this new route held a peace of mind that it was what he was supposed to do. He had struggled with JetStream and Cryptic... but now... now it was different, and he was ready.

Thinking they're alone, Kyle pulls Alice closer for a kiss, letting a passion through that he normally withheld.

Kip walks out of the building behind Theo and stops short, staring with wide eyes. "Oh, please let that be a yes."

Kyle jumps at the sound of someone's voice, and quickly ends the moment.

Theo slaps Kip upside the head. "Man, you don't know when to shut up." He gives a little wave to Kyle and Alice. "Sorry... he's not housebroke yet."

"Hey!" Kip jumps on Theo's back to put him in a chokehold, but his feet are off the ground, and he doesn't have enough leverage. Theo, being much bigger, fumbles until finally getting Kip up and over his shoulder. "Come on, you, I gotta get you out of here before you go and embarrass us any more."

"Hey... wha... Put me down!" Kip laughs, hanging over the back of Theo. He grins and waves to Kyle and Alice. "Feel free to keep on-"

Theo slaps him.

"Ow! I mean don't mind us, we- Ow! Theo!"

Jade can't help a smile as Dan consoles her. It felt good to have someone take time out to talk to her. Not that nobody else cared, but no one else had really noticed she was having a hard time.

She turns her head to study Dan's eyes for several moments, just letting his invitation hang in the air, waiting. "Thank you." Her voice softly breaks the silence.

A twinkle appears in her eye. "Even if we do go tonight, I'll join you for church."

Not needing to be told twice, Carson grips Misty's hand and pulls her towards the door. "Your wish is my command."

Once they hit the hall though, he breaks into a jog, pulling Misty along with him. Dodging several agents along the way, he heads to the exit, still pulling Misty to keep up with him.Out in the parking lot, it's a race to his car.

Skidding to a halt and catching his breath, Carson laughs and backs Misty up against the car. "I'd suggest just hanging out in my car for a while, but..." His eyes tease her. "I'm too hungry for lunch."

Giving her another quick kiss, he turns to slide across the hood and get in behind the wheel.

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